Imperial Master Park Junsoo stars in the eighth episode of Imperial Class and talks about the importance of praise and teamwork.
8 results of the search.Imperial Master Park Yong-Ok stars in the seventh episode of Imperial Class and talks about gratitude and thankfulness.
Imperial Master Kim Gwang Yeol stars in the sixth episode of Imperial Class and tells us how he was able to reach the top in Atomy.
Imperial Master Lee Deok Wu stars in the fifth episode of Imperial Class and stresses the need for passion to be successful.
Imperial Master Kim Yeon-Sook stars in the fourth episode of Imperial Class and explains why "Trust" is so important for success.
Imperial Master Lee Hye-Jeong stars in the third episode of Imperial Class and asks the question "Are you satisfied with your current income?"
Imperial Master Kim Sung-Il stars in the second episode of Imperial Class and tells his story of how he surpassed his limits to achieve Imperial Master in Atomy.
Imperial Master Park Jung-soo IM stars in the first episode of Imperial Class and tells her story of how she achieved Imperial Master in Atomy.