2022 - Melbourne DEC Success Academy

Views 502 Date of filming

Date: 17th December 2022
Time: 2 pm - 6:45 pm
Venue: New Hope Baptist Church Blackburn

Emcee: Don Ahn
Compensation Plan: SRM Sam Jung
Product Presentation: DM Phalla Kim
Guest Speaker: Joe Baini (Director/Maunkalife)
Guest Speaker: Presentation by Carmen Lau (Business Development Manager/Compassion)
Life Scenario sharing: SRM Lionita Howe
Promotion Performance: HORIZON Dance Crew

New Promotion Representatives:
New Sales Master Barbara Baldock
New Diamond Master Monica Park
New Sharon Rose Master Skye Kim

Atomy Vision: Imperial Master Dong Cheol Park

Interpreters: DM Joy Lu, Mery Ly

Thanks to everyone who attended!

Special thanks to all our volunteers, staff and interpreters.

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