2019- Brisbane September Success Academy

Views 1,210 Date of filming
Date: 28th September 2019
Time: 2pm-10pm 
Venue: Sunpac Brisbane
Emcee: Ria Radjatjut
Oath: DM Joy Lu
Greeting: AO Dir manager, Sally Kim and STM + Special Guest Misook Kim
Interpretation from Korean to English by SM Sarah Kim. 
Company Introduction: DM Ingrid Veloso
Product Presentation: SM Douglas Yoo
Compensation Plan: SM Sarah Kim
Testimony: SM Jinsook Scovell, MJ

Auto-Sales Master: SRM Esther Kim

How to write Life Scenario- Erika Le
My Life Scenario Presentation- Carrie Lee

Mastership representatives:
SM- Leon Sullivan
DM- Joy Lu, Melanie Liu, Brandon Tan, Forbes Chan.

Thank you all for a successful and wonderful success Academy!!

Special guest and part of the Crown Leaders Club- Royal Master Yongkyun Lee.
Interpreter from Korean to English by SM Brad Kim. 
The lucky ones got to meet our special guests in person and got the chance to learn from the already successful members of Atomy. 

Thank you to all speakers, volunteers, staff of Sunpac for making this event possible. 
See you all in Melbourne in October.

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