Korea Success Academy Tour 2019

Views 2,616 Date of filming
120 members from Singapore embarked on a trip to Korea to witness how it all began! Highlights during the trip include a visit to Atomy's new headquartes in Gongju where they attended a Success Academy. Our lucky members managed to get CEO Park Han Gill to join them for a group photo as well. There was also time to learn how Hongsamdan is produced and a visit to Kolmar BNH was planned in the itinerary too! Watch the video to see what went down in Korea

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Korea Success Academy Tour 2019

120 members from Singapore embarked on a trip to Korea to witness how it all began! Highlights during the trip include a visit to Atomy's new headquartes in Gongju where they attended a Success Academy. Our lucky members managed to get CEO Park Han Gill to join them for a group photo


  • Helpful for beginning members
  • Includes information about Atomy
  • Gives a better understanding of Atomy business and products
  • Helps me find Atomy's vision

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