Product Introduction by James Chung SRM [CHN]

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Title 主题: Product Introduction 产品介绍
Speaker 讲座者: James Chung Sharon Rose Master 荘占士 玫瑰大师
Venue 地点: Suntec Convention Centre, Level 3, Summit 1
Date 日期: Saturday 星期六, 01st December 2019, 12月01日2019年 

荘占士 玫瑰大师在艾多美12月成功学院分享关于红参以及叶黄素!想知道更多关于它们能如何帮助我们以及它们的特点,就点击播放学习吧!

Sharon Rose Master James Chung shares his product knowledge on Hongsamdan and Eye Lutein with our members at our December 2018 Success Academy! Want to know how Hongsamdan and Eye Lutein can benefit us? Click PLAY to find out!

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Product Introduction by James Chung SRM [CHN]

Title 主题: Product Introduction 产品介绍 Speaker 讲座者: James Chung Sharon Rose Master 荘占士 玫瑰大师 Venue 地点: Suntec Convention Centre, Level 3, Summit 1 Date 日期: Saturday 星期六, 01st December 2019, 12月01日2019年 


  • Helpful for beginning members
  • Includes information about Atomy
  • Gives a better understanding of Atomy business and products
  • Helps me find Atomy's vision

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