Atomy's Vision by Tan Cheng Hock SRM [ENG]

Views 2,073 Date of filming
Title 主题: Atomy's Vision 艾多美 未来展望
Speaker 讲座者: Tan Cheng Hock SRM 陈清福 玫瑰大师
Venue 地点: YWCA Fort Canning Lodge, Level 2, Ballroom
Date 日期: Saturday 星期六, 4th August 2018, 8月4日2018年

Missed Sharon Rose Master Tan Cheng Hock's inspiring talk? PLAY it now anytime and anywhere you are to learn more about Atomy and how Atomy can help you! Remember these crucial words that Tan Cheng Hock shared, Never Give Up! So long as there's a chance, one should always persevere and Never Give Up!

错过了陈清福 玫瑰大师鼓舞人心的分享了吗?现在您能随时随地点击PLAY播放他的分享,了解更多关于艾多美公司以及艾多美能如何帮助您!请记住陈清福分享的这个关键词,永不放弃!只要还有机会,您就一定要坚持下去而永不放弃!

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Atomy's Vision by Tan Cheng Hock SRM [ENG]

Title 主题: Atomy's Vision 艾多美 未来展望 Speaker 讲座者: Tan Cheng Hock SRM 陈清福 玫瑰大师 Venue 地点: YWCA Fort Canning Lodge, Level 2, Ballroom Date 日期: Saturday 星期六, 4th August 2018, 8月4日2018年 Missed Sharon Rose Ma


  • Helpful for beginning members
  • Includes information about Atomy
  • Gives a better understanding of Atomy business and products
  • Helps me find Atomy's vision

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