The Synergy of United Heart: Atomy Oceania Grand Opening & Success Academy

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On the 11th of August, a bustling crowd of close to 800 attendees from Australia and overseas countries like Singapore, Canada, Thailand and Mexico attended Atomy Oceania’s Grand Opening cum inaugural Success Academy. The highly anticipated event was held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. From Singapore, Sharon-Rose Masters James Chung and Caroline Tan arrived just after wrapping up the official launch of Singapore’s latest Lifestyle Centre @ Common Wealth Drive to celebrate the joyous occasion, together with Sales Master Rachel Wu and her Atomy partners.

Sales Master Rachel Wu from Singapore posing for a picture with her Atomy partners

Special guests and VIPs on stage at the Atomy Oceania Grand Opening cum Success Academy

Graced by multiple special guests such as Atomy Chairman Han Gill Park and over 20 global Atomy leaders, the event was kickstarted by an opening statement and oath taking ceremony by Chairman Park himself. Following which, greeting speeches were delivered by top Atomy global leaders like Crown Master Yoon Young-Sung. In his address, he elaborated on why Australia was chosen to be the location of Atomy Oceania. He shared that Korea has had an enduring relation with Australia, and that Melbourne is also named to be the most livable city in the world for seven years in a row. Coupled with its high Gross National Income (GNI), multicultural society, good business environment and stable economy, Australia is an ideal location for Atomy to open its 11th location. Musing warmly, he mentioned that Chairman Park was also based here in Australia when he first started out his career in direct selling.

Imperial Master Lee Doug Woo delivers his enlivening greeting speech

Nine years later, Atomy is now a company that has generated over 1 trillion Korean won, which crystallised how “Atomy is a company of miracles.” This sentiment was exemplified by the two Imperial Masters present at the event, Lee Doug Woo and Park Jeong Su. During the event, a Star Master was also promoted, to which, Imperial Master Lee Doug Woo quipped, “in Atomy if you don’t succeed, it’s a miracle.” referencing Atomy absolute quality and absolute price, alongside an ease of joining due to a nonexistent membership registration fee.

Sharon-Rose Master Esther Kim from Perth shares her personal Atomy testimonial

The opening statement was followed by a Company Introduction delivered by newly promoted Sharon-Rose Master Esther Kim from Perth. She shared her personal Atomy journey, and encouraged attendees by emphasising the importance of hoping for hope in times of hopelessness. An introduction to Atomy’s signature and groundbreaking product, the Absolute CellActive Skincare Set was also made by Sharon-Rose Master Mimi Choi, bolstered by a testimony given by Australian Diamond Master Silver Golden. The attendees were fully engaged as she shared fun and quirky anecdotes of her Atomy story, and how Atomy saved her marriage by improving her skin condition. The holistic improvement in Atomy users’ lives was made even clearer when Diamond Master Simon Shim shared candidly about his struggle with chronic constipation, and how Atomy Probiotics helped him through it to become a more confident man.

Dr. Lee Sung-Yeon, the Chief of Atomy Economic Research Centre, shares the beginnings of Atomy’s philosophy

Following this was a special lecture given by Dr. Lee Sung-Yeon, the Chief of Atomy Economic Research Centre. He opened the lecture by quoting renowned American public official, John W. Gardner’s “Seven Words to Live By” and asked the audience “what is one word of advice you would give someone?”. He went on to elaborate that Atomy’s motto of “Live, Love, Learn, Share” was informed by Gardner’s findings of “Live, Love, Learn, Think, Give, Laugh, Try”, in order to live a balanced life. The next question he posed to the audience was “what makes a successful life”, where he answered with Angela Lee Duckworth’s predictor of success: grit. He shared that “grit” means a combination of passion and perseverance. Through philosophical lessons and his sharing, Dr. Lee encouraged and empowered the audience to live by Atomy’s motto and vision.

Attendees in Melbourne sharing a moment with the Korean audience watching the live-stream by waving at the screens

After the invigorating lecture, greetings and congratulatory messages from ten other Atomy locations were given, and a short film detailing “What is Australia to You” was screened, featuring people of all ages sharing their sentiments on Australia and what makes it so special. The heartwarming short film segued perfectly into the highly anticipated ribbon cutting ceremony, which was live-streamed in Korea. In a stirring moment, attendees shared a moment with another part of the world by waving at the screens. Chairman Park, his wife and other Atomy leaders alongside special guests like Gillian Stapleton, Executive Director of Direct Selling Australia (DSA) and Mr. Tom, a representative from the Melbourne Korean War Memorial Committee Inc. (MKWMCI) were on the stage to officiate the ribbon cutting ceremony.

Melbourne Korean Children’s Choir performs for the enthralled audience

Melbourne Korean Children’s Choir gave a sweetly melodic performance after, which included a cover of the popular Disney film, Moana’s 'How Far I’ll Go'. There was also a special tribute of 20,000 AUD made to the MKWMCI through its memorial fund, signifying the robust and enduring Korea-Australia relationship. This moment was succeeded by the Mastership Promotion Ceremony where 42 Sales Masters, 23 Diamond Masters, 7 Sharon-Rose Masters and 1 Star Master were promoted.

CEO Park presenting Mr. Tom with the 20,000 AUD tribute to the MKWMCI

Heartfelt stories were shared by representatives from each mastership regarding their journey to and with Atomy. Sharon-Rose Master Sara Lee tugged at the heartstrings of the audience with her rags to riches story, where she first started as a migrant from Korea who worked as a janitor. She shared that she moved across several Australian cities before coming to Melbourne and encountering Atomy. Australia’s first ever Star Master Jina Ryu is also a migrant single mother who used to run an import business. In a tender moment, her only daughter presented her with a bouquet of fresh flowers.

Chairman Park presenting Star Master Jina Ryu with travel tickets, cash prize and a bouquet of flowers

At the closing address, Chairman Park concluded the ceremony with the recitation of the company motto which revitalised the audience with positive messages of perseverance. He recognised the wealth of opportunities here in Australia, as well as its multiculturalism which creates the synergy of united heart.

Chairman Park delivers the closing address to conclude the Grand Opening

Atomy members can look forward to having more global locations in the near future, in countries such as Indonesia, Vietnam, Russia and China. Atomy looks forward to having more people come into contact with Atomy, from all over the world.

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