Synergy in Unity: Atomy Singapore Visits Atomy Malaysia for a Weekend of Sharing and Learning

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Synergy in Unity: Atomy Singapore Visits Atomy Malaysia for a Weekend of
Sharing and Learning

Article by Nicole Sim
Over the second and third of September, centre leaders from Atomy Singapore visited their counterparts in Atomy Malaysia for the centre leaders
workshop in Kuala Lumpur. Representatives of Atomy Singapore included Gordon Aw and Diana Shen from Bugis, as well as Jim Khoo,
Ee Ching Yun and Yeo Chye Teck from Tai Seng.

Atomy Malaysia’s Centre Leader’s Workshop was held to bring together the different centre leaders in the country and provide them both with
updates on Atomy’s progress in the Malaysian community, as well as the chance to hone their leadership skills. The workshop provided a space for
different centre leaders to share personal tips and advice on how to run a centre catered to the local Atomy community.

Crown Master Ms. Park Jeong Soo

Crown Master from Korea, Ms. Park Jeong Soo, and Atomy overseas division director, Mr. Alex Lee, were invited to grace the event. The workshop
was highly engaging, and allowed centre leaders the exclusive chance to learn new skills from the educational content targeted at centre leaders
while giving a chance for leaders to participate in group-based discussions and presentations.

Engaged and spirited Atomy leaders and staff

The Singaporean leaders were blown away by the enthusiasm and unity of the different center leaders who came together from all over Malaysia,
finding that the Malaysian leaders approached each session of the workshop with cheer and an eagerness to learn. Regardless of where each
individual came from, it was clear that all the leaders and staff present at the event shared the Atomy spirit, working together to make the
workshop an enriching experience for all.

Centre Leader of Atomy Lifestyle Centre @ Tai Seng Mr. Yeo Chye Teck

One of the biggest highlights for our Singaporean participants was the sharing by Crown Master, Ms. Park Jeong Soo. A humble woman, she shared the story of how she became a Crown Master, and of the struggle of the early days of her business with CEO Park Han Gill after a string of
unsuccessful ventures. She went on to emphasise the importance of having a healthy business culture, a principle-centred mindset and the
fundamental role of humility in the Atomy business.
When he was asked on his biggest takeaway from the workshop, centre leader of Tai Seng Mr Yeo Chye Teck shared that,
“After listening to her speak, I realised we are doing the right thing. She has affirmed us in her sharing that what we are doing is the right
After a weekend of cross-cultural learning, the Atomy community can look forward to our Singaporean centre leaders bringing that same
engagement to their centres, and sharing the valuable lessons they learned at this two-day workshop.

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