Service in Action

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Service in Action
Article by Nicole Sim
As per the last line of the company motto, Atomy Singapore continues to strive towards acts of humble service towards the greater community. On the 4th of October, Atomy member of two years, Linder Seah, helped the Atomy Singapore Office to organize visits to both the Singapore Christian Home and the Moulmein Cairnhill Ukelele Interest Group.

Boxes of Atomy T-shirts for the residents of Singapore Christian Home

While there, Atomy Singapore was happy to share products such as T-shirts and seaweed with members of both communities, as well as better
learn about their needs, all in the interest of sharing not only our time and service with them, but also our core Atomy values.

The Singapore Christian Home is a non-profit nursing home started in the 1960s which specializes in mid-to-long-term care for low-income residents, 80 percent of whom are 70-years old and above. The care offered by the home includes nursing, daily living, exercise, diet and overall attention to their well-being. They also receive visiting doctors and dentists to aid healthcare. Furthermore, they have also organized events such Zumba
classes conducted by Atomy last year.

Schedule of activities at the Singapore Christian Home

Dawn Lee, their manager of community partnership, has shared that while the home is 80 percent funded by the government, this does not cover
resident engagement programs such as the above, nor does it cover transportation to such programs. The home therefore actively encourages
external funding to help them continue to support and engage their residents in this way.

Many of its residents came to the home because their families could not afford to provide alternative medical or nursing care. While there is certainly a local stigma against sending elderly folk to nursing homes, the truth is that some of these residents need daily care that their families are
unable to provide, though the home does have visiting hours from 9am to 9pm in order to allow for family visits. It is also worth noting that the
home works closely with Khoo Teck Puat Hospital for teleconferences with doctors, which saves bedbound residents the cost of being brought to
the hospital directly.

Michael Leong, Assistant Director of the Singapore Christian Home

Michael Leong, the Assistant Director of the Singapore Christian Home, shares:
“These residents need the human touch, they need people to spend time with them. It’s about talking to them, to treat them as human beings, as people.”
To that end, the home welcomes volunteers who are able to provide the residents that intimacy while keeping their operating costs minimal.
After visiting the home, Atomy’s second stop was the Kallang Theatre, where we met a representative from the Moulmein Cairnhill Ukelele Interest Group, Mr. K C Ang.

Mr. K C Ang, member of the Moulmein Cairnhill Ukelele Interest Group

While giving the Atomy Singapore team of the Kallang Theatre, he gave a passionate account about the group, which has grown from 15 to 40 members since it first started in Goldhill Neighbourhood.

Video footage of the Ukelele Interest Group

The group has their own practice space within the theatre equipped with the necessary equipment such as music stands and sound proof facilities. The group meets for a jam session every Friday to learn new songs, with a repertoire mostly consisting of hits from the 1960s. He shared that the
group has been popular with retirees in particular, while serving more generally a source of music, friendship and fun in the community as a whole. The group also have performed in many community events such as the Singapore Patient Conference in 2014.

Framed photograph of the Ukelele Interest Group at the Esplanade

Atomy Singapore hopes to continue supporting and serving these organizations in the community by both sharing and practicing our Atomy values of serving with humility and sharing our products with them. Atomy Singapore thanks Linder Seah, the Singapore Christian Home and the
Moulmein Cairnhill Ukelele Group for partnering with us on this journey of sharing and caring through our acts of humble service.

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