Company Introduction by Jim Khoo DM [ENG]

Views 3,258 Date of filming
Title 主题: Company Introduction 公司介绍
Speaker 讲座者: Jim Khoo Diamond Master 钻石大师
Venue 地点: Peinsula Excelsior Hotel, Level 5, Ballroom
Date 日期: Saturday 星期六, 23rd June 2018, 6月23日2018年 

Want to know what kind of company Atomy is? Jim Khoo Diamond Master shares regarding the Atomy Company. Click PLAY to learn more!

想知道艾多美是个怎么样的公司?Jim Khoo 钻石大师分享关于艾多美公司。点击PLAY查询更多!

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Company Introduction by Jim Khoo DM [ENG]

Title 主题: Company Introduction 公司介绍 Speaker 讲座者: Jim Khoo Diamond Master 钻石大师 Venue 地点: Peinsula Excelsior Hotel, Level 5, Ballroom Date 日期: Saturday 星期六, 23rd June 2018, 6月23日2018年  Want to know wha


  • Helpful for beginning members
  • Includes information about Atomy
  • Gives a better understanding of Atomy business and products
  • Helps me find Atomy's vision

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