Product Introduction by Ding Ai Zhen SRM [CHN]

Views 5,935 Date of filming
Title 主题: Product Introduction 产品介绍
Speaker 讲座者: Ding Ai Zhen Sharon Rose Master 丁爱珍 玫瑰大师
Venue 地点: Suntec Convention Centre, Level 3, Room 324 - 325
Date 日期: Saturday 星期六, 24th March 2018, 3月24日2018年 

充满活力的玫瑰大师 丁爱珍在艾多美一日研讨会上台分享她美貌的秘密!想知道丁爱珍是如何透过使用艾多美的凝萃焕肤六部曲和清洁护肤四件组保持她的青春美丽的吗?那就点击PLAY查询吧!

The ever-energetic Sharon Rose Master Ding Ai Zhen take the stage at our One Day Seminar to share her beauty secrets with Atomy's Absolute CellActive Skincare 6 and Evening Care set. Watch to find out!
And remember to come on down to our upcoming One Day Seminars and Success Academies to hear for yourself the stories from all your fellow Atomians and leaders!

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Product Introduction by Ding Ai Zhen SRM [CHN]

Title 主题: Product Introduction 产品介绍 Speaker 讲座者: Ding Ai Zhen Sharon Rose Master 丁爱珍 玫瑰大师 Venue 地点: Suntec Convention Centre, Level 3, Room 324 - 325 Date 日期: Saturday 星期六, 24th March 2018, 3月24日2018年


  • Helpful for beginning members
  • Includes information about Atomy
  • Gives a better understanding of Atomy business and products
  • Helps me find Atomy's vision

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