1-Min Interview - Rachel Wu SM [ENG]

Views 2,462 Date of filming
Hear from Sales Master Rachel Wu as she dishes tips on effective gift giving for your loved ones! She also proposes some useful and thoughtful Atomy presents for the special women in your life. Watch and be inspired to send a treat to the people your care about!

想知道如何为您的家人买最好的礼物吗?销售大师 吴芮熙与大家分享决定买礼物的思考程序!她也推荐男士们能为他们生命中特别的女士能买的艾多美产品当礼。看了她的视频后想必大家也从中得到送礼物的灵感了吧!

锁定Channel Atomy从艾多美#sgatomystory得到灵感!参与艾多美一日研讨会,傍晚研讨会及成功学院,您有可能会是我们下个访问的会员哦! #livelovelearnshare

Remember to tune in to Channel Atomy to get inspired by more #sgatomystory features AND come to our upcoming seminars on 24th March  for a chance to get featured! #livelovelearnshare

*Masterships stated are as according to time of filming. 

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1-Min Interview - Rachel Wu SM [ENG]

Hear from Sales Master Rachel Wu as she dishes tips on effective gift giving for your loved ones! She also proposes some useful and thoughtful Atomy presents for the special women in your life. Watch


  • Helpful for beginning members
  • Includes information about Atomy
  • Gives a better understanding of Atomy business and products
  • Helps me find Atomy's vision

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