[26 June 2024] Atomy Singapore Product Carnival

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Atomians invite new participants to explore and discover Atomy products at this exciting event!

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The carnival featured five themed booths: Food, Home, Health Supplements, Personal Care, and Skincare. Attendees could sample new products and interact with representatives at each booth.

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The lively atmosphere enhanced the experience as members explored a variety of products, gaining valuable insights into Atomy's extensive range. They also received detailed information about the benefits and applications of Atomy products. An engaging quiz allowed attendees to learn exciting facts about Atomy products, with the first correct responder winning a gift from Atomy Singapore.

Attendees had the chance to win prizes through on-site purchases. Attendees could also get a limited edition of the HemoHIM & Probiotic 10+ keychain exclusively at the product carnival.

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Furthermore, we showcased members' handicrafts made from recycled packaging in our commitment to the environment.

More photos of 26 June 2024 Atomy Singapore Product Carnival are shared on this link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/wGrRHGdmghnqgzYE6

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