[19 Jun 2024] Atomy Singapore Weekday Seminar

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Welcome Speech by SRM Adeline Chow

Adeline emphasizes that Atomy is a global connector, and through effort, we can achieve a balanced life! She acknowledges that in any business endeavor, encountering rejection and setbacks is inevitable, but consistency is paramount for success. Adeline identifies herself as an ordinary individual who began as a consumer as well. She encourages everyone to maintain a positive mindset and attitude, pursue their dreams, take action, and exert effort to attain their desired goals.

Company Introduction by DM Zheng Meiling

Meiling pointed out the uncertainties of our current world, including challenges such as navigating post-pandemic recovery, economic recession and rising unemployment rates. She highlighted Atomy's pivotal role as a global enterprise that fosters global connections. Emphasising its structured platform, comprehensive global procurement and sales strategies, and steadfast dedication to competitive pricing and superior quality to support customer success.

She provided data illustrating Atomy's remarkable 30% growth in business over a span of 12 years and its expansion into 27 countries, underscoring its upward trajectory. Atomy has captured consumer loyalty through its diverse array of products, spanning skincare, healthcare, household essentials, and food offerings. Notable products include HemoHIM and the Absolute CellActive Skincare Set, which aim to resonate with consumers on a personal level.

Product Introduction SCI Microbiome by DM Tracy Li 

Tracy highlights that SCI Microbiome has substantial benefits for gut health and its positive effects on conditions such as cardiovascular diseases. She emphasised the product's innovative features, including a patented quadruple-coating technology that ensures probiotics reach the intestines intact. With 10 billion CFU per capsule and international certifications, SCI Microbiome is designed to support those experiencing bowel discomfort or issues due to dietary habits. She compared it with Atomy's Probiotics Plus, noting that SCI Microbiome includes a variety of prebiotics, offering comprehensive digestive support.

8 Steps to Success by DM Anna Wang 
Anna initiated the discussion by prompting everyone to reflect on their life dreams and goals. She outlined four key criteria for achieving success:

1. Resetting your mindset - Begin anew by focusing on learning and acquiring knowledge.
2. Embrace consumerism - Start by trying out a wide range of products.
3. Serve with humility - Concentrate on ensuring customer satisfaction.
4. Define your ultimate goal - Continuously monitor your progress along the way.

Anna then outlined practical steps towards Atomy's success that everyone can follow:
1. Establish Goals - Develop a life blueprint outlining your desired achievements.
2. Demonstrate Determination - Stay focused, take charge of your life, maintain a positive attitude, and share your journey.
3. Compile a Namelist - Identify individuals whose lives you aim to improve, engage with them, and share your insights.
4. Extend Invitations - Invite others to participate in the Atomy Success System and Campaign, encouraging them to integrate Atomy into their lives.
5. Introduce the Business - Provide a comprehensive overview of the company, products, compensation plan, and business vision.
6. Follow Up & Follow Through - After members make a purchase, ensure prompt follow-up within 48 hours. Guide them in the correct usage of products and establish channels for feedback.
7. Seek Consultation - Approach leaders for advice when encountering challenges, and work together to find solutions.
8. Embrace Duplication - Replicate these steps and follow the successful paths of others to achieve sustained success.

Compensation Plan by SRM May Zeng

May explained that participating in the Atomy Business is as straightforward as replacing your daily household essentials. She emphasised Atomy's use of the Masstige Product Strategy (Absolute Product, Absolute Price), noting that among the top 10 network marketing companies, Atomy boasts the lowest product return rate in Singapore. Atomy focuses on customer success, encouraging members to share products they love and earn commissions from purchases. May shares that Atomy is a platform for learning and earning. 

May further detailed the four types of commissions within the Atomy business:

General Commission: This commission involves distributing 44% of the company's sales PV, determined by the Mastership Level. Payouts for this commission are processed every Thursday following the conclusion of the previous week's sales.

Mastership Commission & Promotions: Achieving new Mastership Promotions includes exclusive sets of incentives.

Center Promotions: The fees associated with this commission support the maintenance of centre operations.


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