[24 Feb 2024] Atomy Singapore Success Academy

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Atomy Singapore Success Academy 2024 (Part1)
Date: 24 Feb 2024, Saturday
Time: 1pm to 6pm
Venue: Suntec Convention Centre

Sending warm New Year wishes from Atomy Singapore to everyone!
It brings us immense joy to have each and every one of you join us at our February Success Academy of 2024 in Atomy Singapore! Whats make it more speacil, as we celebrated the 15th day of Lunar New Year, which was also know as 元宵節Yuánxiāo jié, Lantern Festival.
The atmosphere was filled with excitement as attendees engaged in lively conversations. Their commitment to perfection shines through in every endeavor.
During the February 2024 Success Academy, we were honored to welcome the esteemed guest, RM Park Joo Young and his family from Atomy Korea!
We express our deep gratitude for his contributions and valuable insights shared with us.

Hope every Atomian enjoyed taking glamorous photos from our photo booth, specially created for you!

You may download the photos to share it on Social Media by Tagging us.
More photos of 24 Feb 2024 Atomy SG Success Academy are shared on this link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/or4jcYvebTaCEGGe6

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Welcome Speech by Country Manager Wendy Lee

Wendy is grateful to all Atomians for their presence and enthusiasm in keeping Atomy Singapore thriving. She encourages everyone to reflect on the 2024 journey and advocate for daring dreams and decisive actions. She quoted Joe Girard, emphasizing the importance of combining ambitious dreaming with diligent pursuit. She shared that Atomy Life Scenario is the key to Success!
Celebrating Atomy's 15th anniversary and the visionary leadership of Chairman Park Han Gill, she shared Atomy's commitment to rewriting network marketing history with transparent success systems. Finally, she shared the past and future development of Atomy Park!

Welcome Speech by STM Hong Xiaoling

Xiaoling emphasizes Atomy as the optimal choice for life, highlighting its focus on household essentials, entrepreneurship, and financial independence. Atomy prioritizes the health, safety, and effectiveness of its products, catering to the needs of families. It presents entrepreneurship as a pathway to leadership without requiring initial investment, advocating for premium quality goods, and sharing personal experiences to attain Success. She also underscores the potential for global consumer outreach and sustained income stability. She encourages sharing Atomy's offerings with loved ones and highlights the advantages of saving costs and accessing top-tier products. Atomy is a powerful instrument for realizing life's aspirations, promising impressive returns and personal endorsements of its efficacy.

Body Fitness and Wellness Challenge Bundle by SRM James Chung

James unveiled an upcoming initiative to launch in March: The Body Fitness and Wellness Challenge (BFWC). He outlined that the forthcoming BFWC Bundles aim to support body Sugar Control, Body Detox, and Improve Metabolism. Explaining the benefits of each product in fostering a healthier body, he provided consumption recommendations to all attendees. His presentation featured Easy Enjoy Meal Replacement (China GSGS products), Bittle Melon, Spirulina, Apple Jelly, Psyllium Husk, Noni Juice, and Pu'er Tea. Attendees were urged to stay tuned for the Body Fitness and Wellness Challenge launch in March!

Triple-up Proteins and Honeysuckle by DM Grace Pang

Grace shared the nutritional function of Atomy Triple Up Protein, highlighting that it is not only for athletes or bodybuilders. She shared that protein intake is essential for every individual, especially the elders, to ensure they have enough functioning energy. She shared the consequences of insufficient protein intake, which include feeling restless, slow healing of the wounds, and low immunity.
Honeysuckle emphasizes the significance of maintaining gastrointestinal health, shedding light on common issues such as gastric problems that often arise from consuming oily or spicy foods. The formulation is designed to increase gastric mucin, thereby reducing the likelihood of harm to the stomach.

Auto Sales Master by STM Wang Xuanping

Lily highlights two life changes products from Atomy, HemoHIM, and Absolute Cellactive Set. She introduced everyone to the criteria for becoming a Semi-Sales and Auto Sales Master.
She shared that becoming an Auto Sales Master in Atomy is the first step to Success. She shared that becoming an ASM is a road to fostering stability, security, worry-free, and dignity!
She shared that Atomy 8 core habits are critical to achieving an Auto Sales Master. She emphasizes the importance of being a loyal consumer of Atomy Products. Continue sharing and attending the Atomy Success System is essential!

Member Speech by SM Tan Pei Shi

Peishi explicitly shares her journey with Atomy's Bitter Melon supplement. After being diagnosed with diabetes, she sought alternatives to medication. Introduced to Bitter Melon, she incorporated it into her regimen alongside doctor-prescribed medicines. Monitoring her glucose levels rigorously, she adhered to a strict diet and exercise routine. Remarkably, within three months, her HbA1c readings improved significantly, allowing her to discontinue night medication. Notably, she experienced weight loss (18kg in 4 months) and the disappearance of skin tags, attributing these transformations to Bitter Melon. Two months post-review, her glucose levels remain stable. Jacqueline advocates for Atomy's Bitter Melon as a solution for diabetes management, underscoring belief and determination as keys to a healthy life. Her testimony highlights the supplement's efficacy in improving health and well-being, offering hope to others facing similar challenges.

Member Speech by DM Lim Kim Moey

A senior accountant, May pursued education despite childhood poverty and familial obligations. Introduced to Atomy in 2018 by a former colleague, she initially hesitated, like many others. However, she eventually embraced its products, notably enhancing her family's health. Despite facing opposition from her children due to misconceptions about Atomy, she remained steadfast in pursuing financial independence. Inspired by her experiences with Atomy, she aspired to become an Auto Sales Master by the current year, reaffirming her commitment to Atomy's values of ongoing progress and collective achievement.

Member Speech by DM Dong Hua Yun

Hua Yun's introduction to Atomy began with receiving their facial cleanser as a gift, which she found impressively compelling. In 2018, she officially delved into Atomy's range of natural, cost-effective products, becoming a member and recognizing their superior quality. Despite initial hesitance, she attended Atomy seminars, witnessing individuals like herself achieve passive income and Success.
It inspired her to commit to Atomy full-time in 2021. She emphasizes how Atomy has provided a stable passive income and improved the health of her family, relatives, and herself. She aspires to join the leadership club, surpassing a monthly income of $10,000, fostering balanced and prosperous lives for all involved.

Life Scenario Speech by SM Li Li Xin

Li Xin admired Atomy's positive changes to her friend's life and decided to pursue it herself. She had feared when she initially joined Atomy, but the guidance from mentors gave her direction and confidence. Li Xin aimed to achieve personal growth and independence within Atomy, and she remembers writing her life plan for the first time, which marked a significant step in her journey. Through Atomy, Li Xin seeks to break out of her comfort zone and build a meaningful career, inspiring her children and securing her family's future. Her goals for the year include maintaining her career achievements, expanding her team, and improving her health and wealth.

Life Scenario Speech by SM Sin Ee Sze

Ee Sze was introduced to Atomy Dish Detergent. In June 2023, after attending seminars, she discovered the exceptional quality of Atomy's health products. Motivated to help others, she continuously shares with her close ones and achieves her first Success in Nov 2023. She aimed to strive high in Atomy to improve her quality of living. She seeks to achieve financial milestones, support her parents, and contribute to charity. Following CEO Park's advice, she prioritized helping her partners succeed. Ee Sze shared that writing my life scenario helps her focus on achieving her aspirations within defined timeframes.

Life Scenario Speech by DM Eileen Zhang

Eileen initially owns a beauty salon but later discovers Atomy after understanding its beauty. She shared that her 2024 focus lies on Health, Career, and Family. She aimed to shed 8kg this year, prioritize regular exercise, and dedicate time to learning and detoxification. As a Centre Manager, she aspires to elevate her team's performance by 5%, while she also aims to enter the Atomy Leader's Club and challenge Sharon Rose Mastership. The family remains paramount; she is dedicated to ensuring their well-being, emphasizing the importance of health supplementation. With determination and support, she is confident that she can achieve Success in all areas.

Atomy Vision by RM Park Joo Young

Joo Young reminisced about his journey with Atomy, recalling how, a decade ago, English-sharing materials were scarce. He's delighted by Atomy's growth since then. Introduced to Atomy by his wife through the Atomy Deep Cleanser, he was astonished by its affordability compared to similar products in the market. Witnessing Atomy's absolute quality and price, his wife became its first beneficiary. Atomy offers opportunities for all, but a positive mindset is crucial for Success. Despite common excuses like lacking sales or public speaking skills, Joo Young and his wife leveraged their networks to embark on their Atomy journey, embracing the Atomy Success Model for personal growth.

Heartfelt congratulations to Singapore newly promoted Sales Master:

Sales Master Promotion Speech by SM Lina Lim

Lina Lim was introduced to Atomy nine years ago; she initially used sunscreen and healthy glow products. Deepening her connection in 2022, she discovered the effectiveness of Atomy's evening care set and 3-second beauty water.
She shared that she encountered a serious car accident in Japan, which caused her to lose confidence and withdraw herself from all social activities. With encouragement from her team, she tried HemoHIM and shared that she found solace and recovery through it; it helps her regain energy and confidence! Atomy has been part of her life now. She aimed to become a Diamond Master in 2024 and empower others.

Sales Master Promotion Speech by SM Hiu Yuen Kiaw

Yuen Kiaw honestly shared that she initially joined Atomy with little understanding. However, witnessing the effectiveness of Atomy's products, particularly in healing her injuries post-fall, she began to explore further. Facing unemployment due to the pandemic's impact on her restaurant job, she realized the importance of passive income. Embracing Atomy's affordable yet high-quality products, she delved into learning and sharing, attending seminars and gatherings, and experiencing the products firsthand. She sees Atomy as the pathway to stable passive. She achieved her first Success at the age of 75 in Atomy. She urged everyone to stay focused, and one day, all of us will achieve Success together here.

Heartfelt congratulations to Singapore newly promoted Diamond Master:

Diamond Master Promotion Speech by DM Xu Xiaoxia

Xu Xiaoxia is initially wary of network marketing; she found Atomy through its dish detergent and was impressed by its food-grade quality. Through understanding, she realized it was natural and could even be used to wash fruits and vegetables. She shared that her journey to Diamond was challenging but rewarding, with unwavering support from mentors and customers. She was grateful for Atomy's platform and her team's efforts; she now aims to mentor four new Sales Masters by August 2024 and achieve a Sharon Rose Master by December 2024. With clear goals and determination, Xu Xiaoxia embodies Atomy's ethos of empowerment and growth.

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