[20 Jan 2024] Atomy Singapore Success Academy

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Atomy Singapore Success Academy 2024 (Part1)
Date: 20 Jan 2024, Saturday
Time: 1pm to 6pm
Venue: Suntec Convention Centre

Sending warm New Year wishes from Atomy Singapore to everyone!
It brings us immense joy to have each and every one of you join us at the first Success Academy of 2024 in Atomy Singapore!
The atmosphere was filled with excitement as attendees engaged in lively conversations. Their commitment to perfection shines through in every endeavor.
During the January 2024 Success Academy, we were honored to welcome the esteemed guest, CM Park Gwang Wook from Atomy Korea!
We express our deep gratitude for his contributions and valuable insights shared with us.

Hope every Atomian enjoyed taking glamorous photos from our photo booth, specially created for you!

You may download the photos to share it on Social Media by Tagging us.
More photos of 20 Jan 2024 Atomy SG Success Academy are shared on this link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/KqDRvJsp7nEynKix8

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Introduction of Leaders & Management

Atomy Singapore's tradition is to honour and pay tribute to our leaders and management by introducing them at every Success Academy, recognizing their exceptional leadership and unwavering determination in establishing Atomy.

Company Motto & Oath Ceremony

Welcome Speech – Country Manager, Wendy Lee

Wendy expresses gratitude for the presence and support of the audience in their dedication to Atomy Singapore. She shared that in 2024, Atomy Singapore continue to empower members to pursue an entrepreneurial lifestyle. We envision building a talented team capable of turning obstacles into opportunities, with strategies outlined: expanding membership, developing skills, and converting obstacles into stepping stones. The commitment is made to continue supporting every member in building a secure financial future, fostering a sense of unity within the Atomy family.
Finally, she introduced the 2024 Slogan of Atomy Singapore – Be Excellent or Be Extreme!

Welcome speech – STM Wu Rui Xi

Rui Xi shares that Atomy boasts top-tier products that stand out on their merit. These products pave the way for success, as evidenced by her reaching Star Master status within three years. While acknowledging the common hurdles faced by everyone, Rui Xi emphasizes that dedication and time can overcome these challenges. Encouraging others she urges everyone to thoroughly engage with the Atomy Success System, asserting that success is attainable for anyone willing to make the effort.

Understanding your skin type – DM Sophia Lin

Sophia acquaints everyone with various skin types:
1. Dry Skin - Exhibits a dull, rough, and flaky appearance, often feeling tight, itchy, and uncomfortable.
2. Oily Skin - Appears shiny and is prone to breakouts, featuring visible and enlarged pores.
3. Combination Skin - Involves dry and oily areas, with the T-zone typically being oily and the cheeks either dry or normal.
4. Sensitive Skin – Manifests as skin redness, stinging or burning sensations, and the appearance of rashes or hives.
5. Normal Skin – Displays minimal discolorations, appears smooth, and is neither overly oily nor dry.
Subsequently, Sophia presents the Atomy Evening Care Set, emphasizing the significance of double cleansing, exfoliation, and masking for maintaining a youthful and vibrant complexion. For moisturizing, she introduces the Hydra Brightening Set, featuring effective ingredients that provide impeccable care for the skin barrier.

Auto Sales Master – STM Pak Young

Pak Young characterizes Atomy as a success platform that empowers ordinary individuals to enhance their quality of life by earning money through the purchase of daily necessities and fostering a balanced life. Within the Atomy community, we all share the identity of being Consumers. Utilizing a global network system, Atomy connects us to the world, providing easy access to products of absolute quality and price with just a click.

Pak Young has also shared four essential tips for becoming an Auto Sales Master in Atomy:
1. Develop a Passion for the Products: Switching to Atomy brands allows the products to speak for themselves.
2. Embrace Sharing: Share your favorite products with those around you, enabling them to experience the same benefits.
3. Prioritize Customer Success: Offer follow-up services to market consumers, linking and recommending them to more Atomy products.
4. Form Alliances with Like-Minded Atomians: Collaborate with individuals who share the same vision, working together towards mutual success.

Member Speech by Member Zhou Zhen Qin

Zhen Qin shared that she is a stay-at-home mother. Initially skeptical, she joined Atomy in 2018, inspired by a friend's persistence. She became a dedicated member after experiencing remarkable results with the Evening Care Set. Attending team gatherings and Success Academy events deepened her understanding of the company and fueled her passion. Zhen Qin has plans to challenge the Sales Master in March, aspiring for financial freedom. Alongside her husband, they especially enjoy Atomy's supplements for improved health. Finally, she encourages others to embrace Atomy and shares her vision for personal and financial growth.

Member Speech by SM Cindy Foo

Cindy Foo was formerly employed in the finance industry; she faced a career crisis in 2019 when she was laid off during the pandemic. Introduced to Atomy by her brother, she experienced remarkable changes using Atomy products. Determined to share a healthier lifestyle, Cindy emphasized the crucial role of 100% participation in the success system. She stressed the system's significance and highlighted Chairman Park's advice to prioritize Success Academies. Despite personal challenges, Cindy remains committed, attending every session and urging others to cherish the invaluable learning opportunities provided by Atomy.

Life Scenario Sharing by SM Chen Yan

Chen Yan was a Chinese tutor for 26 years before joining Atomy; she faced challenges in a US direct-selling company with strict rules. Atomy's unique approach, offering free membership and no fixed monthly expenses, impressed her. She highlighted Atomy's positive impact on her life, providing quality products, saving costs, and promoting health and beauty. Concerned about her future, she envisioned Atomy providing her with a stable passive income with continuous effort. Finally, she outlined her career plan, including family support, children's education, and charitable contributions.

Life Scenario by SRM Loh Jit Seng

Jit Seng revealed that having experienced a stroke, his priorities for the year center around prioritizing health. His goals include:
Daily exercise.
Ensuring a bedtime before 11 pm.
Avoiding cold water.
Consuming less oily food.
Another focal point is his career at Atomy, where he aspires to join the Leader's Club and attain the Star Master promotion by December. Expressing gratitude for his team's unwavering support, he pledges to continue assisting in 2024, with the ultimate goal of helping them achieve the status of Auto Sales Masters.

Atomy Vision – CM Park Gwang Wook

Park Gwang Wook shared that upon joining Atomy, he set a three-month goal to attain his initial success. He underscored the significance of goal-setting, member invitation, consistency in the success system, and the need for speed in target achievement. Consequently, he established stringent future objectives to propel himself forward. Additionally, he stressed the valuable resources offered by the company's success system, urging the proactive utilization of these resources.
He also shared that considering a retirement plan is essential with the rising house prices in Singapore. Start drafting your life scenario today, dream vividly, and don't hesitate; seize the opportunity now. Have faith in the established rules, continue to bring in people, and let the success system take care of the rest.

Heartfelt congratulations to Singapore newly promoted Sales Master:

Mastership Promotion Speech by SM Hu Li Xun

Li Xun was previously a whitecoat; she initially resisted direct sales but eventually embraced Atomy's products. Her eight-month hesitation turned into conviction after witnessing the positive impact of Atomy's product, HemoHIM, on her mother's health. Motivated by the visible results, Li Xun became an avid user, promoter, and distributor. Despite a busy schedule, she achieved her goal of becoming a Sales Master by the end of 2023, emphasizing the importance of goal-setting, teamwork, and perseverance. Li Xun thanked her team, acknowledging their support in navigating the company's successful system. Her story highlights the transformative power of Atomy's products and the significance of collaborative efforts in achieving success.

Mastership Promotion Speech by SM Chan Beili

Beili is a mother of two and a former Safety and Regulatory Affairs Executive. Having previously faced challenges with expensive network marketing products, she joined Atomy in May 2022 upon her upline's recommendation for probiotics to address her constipation. With the results, Joan gained confidence in Atomy's products and expanded her usage. Despite encountering disbelief and rejection, she persevered, emphasizing the importance of not giving up and joining the success system. Beili, a living example of success, achieved mastership in approximately 2.5 months, and her next goal is to become an auto sales master by June 2024.

Heartfelt congratulations to Singapore newly promoted Diamond Master:

Mastership Promotion Speech by DM Zhou Wei

Zhou Wei has lived in Singapore for 15 years as a housewife without prior work experience; she found herself yearning for a more purposeful life amid pandemic fears. Introduced to Atomy by a friend, she initially hesitated but eventually embraced the products, replacing household essentials. She became convinced of Atomy's efficacy through her journey, leading her to share the products with friends, family, and unfamiliar markets. Achieving the rank of Diamond Master in November 2023, Zhou Wei credits her success to experiencing the products, active learning, and heartfelt sharing. She thanks mentors, colleagues, and members for their support, expressing a commitment to helping others succeed in the coming year.

Heartfelt congratulations to Singapore newly promoted Sharon Rose Master:

Mastership Promotion Speech by SRM Winnie Ong

Winnie is managing a university rep office and providing pastoral care. She shared that her health struggles led her to Atomy. Initially hesitant, her fear turned to faith as she saw her friend's financial success. Starting in 2019, Winnie adopted the Atomy lifestyle USA (Use, Share, Attend) and learned through the Success System. Over 5 years, she progressed from Sales Master to Sharon Rose Master. During the pandemic, she coached via Zoom, emphasizing helping partners for mutual success. She's financially secure today, retiring soon, and enjoying improved health and expanded social circles. Her future goals include Star Master and aiding partners' aspirations. Winnie thanked CEO Park, upper leaders, and partners for their support. Atomy, she believes, offers a chance for financial freedom.

We are delighted to announce the establishment of a new Royal Leader's Club member in Singapore!
Let us extend our heartfelt congratulations to Royal Master, Ma Hong, a distinguished member of the Royal Leader's Club!Royal Leader's Club Promotion Speech by RM Ma Hong

Royal Leader's Club Promotion Speech by RM Ma Hong

Ma Hong was born in a remote village, and her parents' perseverance and self-education paved the way for opportunities. Despite setbacks in the college entrance exams, Ma Hong became an engineer, met her life partner, and migrated to Singapore. Facing challenges, she worked various jobs, started a business, and achieved stability. Introduced to Atomy, she embraced its products and business model. Guided by mentors and the Atomy success system, she rapidly grew, emphasizing the collective effort in Atomy's success. Ma Hong expressed gratitude to her teachers, partners, and the Atomy company. She concluded with three impactful lessons: encouraging resilience, self-belief, and embracing Atomy's transformative potential. In 2024, she aspires for collective success, urging others to join her in achieving financial milestones within the Atomy family.

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