Atomy Singapore – CSR Activity (Lifestyle Centre @ A+ Yishun)

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Tan Lie Kok, the Centre Manager of Atomy Singapore A+ Yishun Lifestyle Centre, along with his dedicated team
of volunteers, recently had the privilege of organizing a CSR Activity at SASCO @ Khatib on 21 June 2023. 

The event was a resounding success, creating a vibrant and joyful atmosphere for the residents.
Around 60 elderly individuals enthusiastically gathered to participate in various activities, including singing and
exercise sessions. These activities uplifted their spirits and contributed to their physical well-being. 

The team was delighted to provide Atomy products such as hand soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, membrane masks,
and a sandwich laver to enhance their comfort and happiness further. The genuine joy and gratitude expressed by
the residents reflected the positive impact of this gesture. This heartwarming experience deepened the connection between Atomy and the elderly community. It reminded us of the profound influence of compassion and the shared moments of joy that strengthen bonds. 

SASCO Senior Citizens' Home, established in 1981, remains dedicated to providing lodging and care for destitute elderly
individuals from all backgrounds. Guided by their mission to deliver holistic care that positively impacts lives,
they prioritize addressing their clients' physical, medical, mental, and psychosocial well-being. SASCO's commitment to serving elderly individuals from less privileged backgrounds while optimizing available resources highlights its dedicated social service agency role.
Atomy Singapore proudly embraces its culture of giving back to society and making a positive difference.
Serving with humility is at the core of Atomy's values, and we are truly grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the
well-being of our community through meaningful initiatives like this.

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