ATOMY SINGAPORE - CSR ACTIVITY (Lifestyle Centre @ Thomson Harmony)

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ATOMY SINGAPORE - CSR ACTIVITY (Lifestyle Centre @ Thomson Harmony)

In their previous CSR activity, Atomy Singapore Thomson Harmony Lifestyle Centre supported the migrant workers' communities and reminded them that they are not alone in this foreign country.

This time, Thomson Harmony Lifestyle Centre reached out to families whose children are attached to Sunbeam Place @ Children’s Society and brought them gifts of love.

Singapore Children's Society was established in 1952 to protect and nurture children and youth of all races and religions. Since then, its services have evolved according to the ever changing needs of children. In 2020, the organization reached out to 34,654 children, youth, and families in need.

About 30 Atomy partners generously donated 230 sets of Atomy products: Atomy Toothpaste, Atomy Toothbrush, and Herbal Body Cleanser.

The gifts were delivered to Sunbeam Place @ Children's Society on 16 February 2022Thomson Lifestyle Centre Manager, Lin Shi Ying, and partner, Hu Jia Yu, made time to be involved during the delivery process.

"I am so proud that Atomy Singapore Thomson Lifestyle Centre's effort to promote philanthropy through giving and sharing Atomy products has been well received by the Charity. We will continue to support the underprivileged in our society." Centre Manager of Thomson Harmony Lifestyle Centre, Lin Shi Ying reflected.

 Atomy Singapore seeks to provide even more support to the people of our community in the days to come. Aja Aja Aja!

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