Atomy Singapore – CSR Activity (Lifestyle Centre @ Sims)

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Atomy Singapore – CSR Activity (Lifestyle Centre @ Sims)

The team from Lifestyle Centre @ Sims before the start of the event.

After months of preparation, the team at Atomy Singapore Lifestyle Centre @ Sims witnessed the fruit of their labour in bringing broad smiles  to 150 beneficiaries whose hearts they have warmed.

Together with Kreta Ayer-Kim Seng Constituency Office, Centre Manager Philip Goh and his committed partners, Li Lixin, Wang Lu, Li Fang, Yu Qian Hui, and Pak Young, spearheaded the CSR activity for the residents at Beo Crescent on 23rd January 2022, Sunday.

Our special guest, Mrs. Josephine Teo, Minister for Communications and Information, Second Minister for Home Affairs, and Adviser for Jalan Besar GRC (Kreta Ayer – Kim Seng) graced this CSR activity.

Group photo with the special guest, Mrs Josephine Teo.

The pandemic has impacted all communities, lives and businesses in many ways. Lifestyle Centre @ Sims prepared a "WeCare Pack" that is all about showing appreciation and love through our specially curated care packs consisting of Atomy Herbal Shampoo, Atomy Herbal Body Cleanser, and Atomy Liquid Detergent which are daily necessities suitable for everyone.

Our Atomy Singapore member speaking with one of the beneficiaries.

An Atomian gifting a beneficiary a “WeCare Pack”.

Our Atomy member highlighting the product name in mandarin for the beneficiary.

“It is an honor to be able to work with Atomy Singapore in giving back to the community. A key takeaway quote from the CSR activity is, “Reach out and bring a smile to someone in need.”

Phillip Goh, Centre Manager of Atomy Singapore Lifestyle Centre @ Sims

In this fast-moving world we are living in where many people are being outpaced and burdened with the worries of everyday life, Atomy Singapore is heartened to be part of the reason for the smiles on everyone’s faces. We will strive harder to put more smiles on more people in the coming days!

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