ATOMY SINGAPORE - CSR ACTIVITY (Lifestyle Centre @ Thomson Harmony)

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ATOMY SINGAPORE - CSR ACTIVITY (Lifestyle Centre @ Thomson Harmony)

All it takes is one member to kickstart an entire community-giving project.

On 16 October, Atomy Singapore Thomson Harmony Lifestyle Centre member, Yu Yingchen, came across a news article reporting the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in dormitories island-wide. During this challenging time, these affected workers were all alone in Singapore with no family or loved ones by their side.

Atomy Singapore Thomson Harmony Lifestyle Centre then rallied together and prepared more than 9000 pieces of masks and 100 boxes of products combined, including Atomy Vitamin C, Probiotics 10+ Plus, Atomy Ethereal Oil Patch, Atomy Toothpaste, Toothbrush, and Hand soap.

Many warm-hearted volunteers, including Yan Zi, Hong Xian, Hua Yun, and Joyce, joined in to swiftly pack the items into hundreds of ‘care packages’ before delivering them to both Tuas and Ang Mo Kio dormitories.

“As a member of the society, Thomson Harmony Lifestyle Centre hopes to organize regular charitable donation drives from our members and to extend a helping hand, send warmth and care to more disadvantaged groups in society. We hope to create a harmonious and beautiful community through this,” commented Lin Shi Ying, Centre Manager of Atomy Singapore Thomson Harmony Lifestyle Centre.

Atomy Singapore and Atomy Singapore Thomson Harmony Lifestyle Centre hope that this CSR activity has helped to soothe the anxiety of the workers and, at the same time, strengthen their immunity to combat the COVID-19 virus effectively.

We look forward to being able to support more communities in 2022!

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