ATOMY SINGAPORE - CSR ACTIVITY (Lifestyle Centre @ Yishun)

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ATOMY SINGAPORE - CSR ACTIVITY (Lifestyle Centre @ Yishun)

In February this year, Mr Anthon Tan, Centre Manager for Atomy Lifestyle Centre @ A+ Yishun
was under lockdown in Batam, Indonesia. While there, he witnessed some of the struggles
of the nearby communities in need and decided to act on it.

So on 8th April 2021, Atomy Lifestyle Centre @ Yishun organised a trip to Batam, Indonesia
to provide some assistance to some 100 families in need.

Mr Anthon Tan and his wife, Anita, rallied their fellow Atomians to come together to support this initiative.
Both of them are passionate about contributing to the community and enjoy doing missionary work in their free time.
Anita also has relatives in Indonesia and it pained her to see so many other families struggling during this time.

At Atomy, it’s more than just a business. Sharing is part of Atomy’s Culture and in the hearts of our members.


With the help of local Atomy members and sponsors, they were able to bring a smile to some 100 families,
distributing a care pack containing a 5kg bag of rice, cooking oil, instant noodles and biscuits.

Sometimes we can take things for granted and we don’t realise how easy it can be to help others.
Each bag costs less than S$10 but it would be able to feed a family up to a month.

The volunteers took two weeks to prepare the logistics and realized there were further costs we had to consider
while transporting the items to Batam and further travelling by boat to the poorer areas was also a challenge.

“I’m very grateful to the committee members who took the time and effort to help us organise this meaningful initiative.
We will definitely keep organising such activities so that we can help more families
and hope to be able to help a thousand more families on our next initiative”, added Anita.


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