Atomy Noni - 2024 Next-Generation World-Class Product (ENG)

Views 1,261 Date of filming
Atomy Noni, expected to “Top The World’s Best Health Supplement In Seven Years,” also gaining the government’s anticipation… To emerge as the next-generation world-class product

| This product will occupy 5% or more of the global market share within the next seven years
| Noni, harvested from Atomy’s organic farm in Indonesia, is processed in NST Bio’s HACCP-certified factory
| 1,440 hours of fermentation with “AON1805” input, with an addition of organic supplement –> Certified as an “organically processed food item”

Organically fermented Noni by Atomy, a global direct sales company in Korea, has recently been titled the “2024 Next-Generation World-Class Product.”

This “Next-Generation World-Class Product,” operated by the Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, refers to products that are “anticipated to rank within the top five of global market share and achieve 5% or more in the next seven years.”

This product has been certified for its effectiveness and safety, containing Morinda Citrifolia varieties, cultivated at Atomy’s exclusive organic farm in Indonesia. Subsequently, it is used as a main raw material after strict quality control.

In NST Bio’s HACCP-certified factory, Noni contains “AON1805,” Atomy’s seven types of complex acid bacteria inputs, which is fermented for approximately 1,440 hours to ensure the absorption of the high-quality active ingredients.

Supplementary ingredients, including “organic coconut sugar” and “organic calamansi,” were added to make it tastier and to boost additional functions.  Atomy has theoretically proven the effects of this item through related patents, which contain “coconut sugar to boost exercise performance” and “calamansi compositions to ease stress.”

Atomy’s functional syrup, which has been certified for its “organic” ingredients for the first time in the world, has been added to fully deliver active ingredients as well as ensuring a smooth swallowing experience.

Atomy’s Noni was certified as an “organically processed food ingredient” after actively leveraging the main and supplementary organic ingredients.

“We will continue to conduct research on fermented Noni and expand our product range, encompassing multi health functional foods, functional cosmetics, and so on,” said an official of Atomy. “Atomy will connect with consumers around the world through its global distribution network and will develop this world-class product in no time.”


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