Atomy Noni, dijangka mencapai "Suplemen kesihatan terbaik dunia dalam tempoh tujuh tahun akan datang," malah Kerajaan Korea menyasarkan ... Untuk muncul sebagai produk bertaraf dunia generasi seterusnya.
| Produk ini akan menduduki 5% atau lebih dalam bahagian pasaran global bagi tem
83 results of the search.“将在 7 年内领先全球”的艾多美诺丽果汁,政府也寄予厚望…… 下一代世界一流产品
| 有望在未来 7 年内跻身全球市场份额前 5 名并达到 5% 以上的产品
| 在印度尼西亚艾多美有机农场采摘的诺丽果在 NST Bio 的“HACCP”认证工厂加工
| 加入“AON1805”后发酵 1440 小时,添加有机辅料 -> 获得“有机加工食品”认证
近期,韩国本土的全球直销公司艾多美销售的“艾多美有机发酵诺丽果汁”(艾多美诺丽果汁)入选“2024 年下一代世界一流产品”。
“下一代世界一流产品”项目由产业通商资源部运营,是指“有望在未来 7 年内跻身全球市
Atomy Noni, expected to “Top The World’s Best Health Supplement In Seven Years,” also gaining the government’s anticipation… To emerge as the next-generation world-class product
| This product will occupy 5% or more of the global market share within the next seven years
| Noni, harve
Atomy HemoHIM - MTN News (CHN)
Atomy Absolute CellActiveTM Skincare - MTN News (ENG)
Atomy Absolute CellActiveTM Skincare - MTN News (ENG)
Atomy HemoHIM - MTN News (ENG)
Atomy Malaysia has reaffirmed its commitment to community welfare by providing aid to flood victims in Kelantan. The contribution, valued at RM70,000 in products, was distributed to over 170 recipients affected by the floods in the Meranti State Constituency (DUN Meranti), one of t
Dato Seri Mohd Sayuthi bin Bakar, KPDN Executive Secretary: "We Want to Maintain a Strong Collaborative Relationship with Atomy"
The Fair Trade Commission of Malaysia recently visited global direct selling company Atomy to benchmark Atomy's consumer-centered direct selling practices
Atomy announced on the 27th that HemoHIM topped domestic health functional food exports last year.
According to the '2021 Production Performance of Foods and Pharmaceuticals' released by the Korea Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, 'HemoHIM Angelica gigas mixed extract' recorded $60
Since 2014, Kolmar BNH has recorded cumulative sales of over 2 trillion Korean Won in 9 years. The company is set to enter Turkey, Italy, and Belgium in the second half of the year.
[The Guru = Han Areum, Reporter] Kolmar BNH, a leading ODM (Original Development Manufacturing) compa
Atomy Malaysia Donates to Pediatric Cancer Patients at Hospital Tunku Azizah , Kuala Lumpur
In May 2024, Atomy Malaysia contributed to Tunku Azizah Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HTA) through a substantial donation. The assistance included a cash donation amounting to RM200,000 and company p
Atomy, a well-known brand distinguished for its ethos of collaboration, is extending its support by sponsoring midday meals for the less fortunate once more. This ongoing partnership with Fungates Soup Kitchen is indicative of Atomy's steadfast commitment to social responsibility. Not
Atomy Malaysia is committed to nurturing the next generation of innovators, particularly in the realm of science and technology education. Recently, Kolej Tunku Kurshiah, a prestigious educational institution in Malaysia, has secured participation in the highly anticipated Aramco F1 I
Atomy has undertaken a variety of community initiatives grounded in the ideology of "Culture of Sharing – Embracing and Nurturing Humanity Worldwide."
This guiding principle has empowered Atomy in its exceptional social endeavors, aligning with its overarching vision of philanthropi
Atomy Malaysia proudly extends its full support to the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP), a key government agency in Malaysia. KPDNHEP plays a crucial role in regulating and enforcing policies related to franchising and direct selling, fostering business growth
Date & Time : 2022-11-05 ( Saturday ) , 2.00pm-7.00pm
Venue : MITEC , KL
Total Viewer : 2,200pax (1,700pax Offline & 500pax Zoom)
This is the first Atomy Malaysia ABR Graduate Ceremony 2022 that consists of the 1st batch (Jun
Date & Time: 2022-10-22 (Saturday), 2:00pm
Venue: MITEC, KL & The Palace, KK
Total Viewers: 2,764pax KL / 194pax KK / 485 Online Zoom
For the month of October, Atomy Malaysia once again held Success Academy in 2 venues simultaneou
Atomy Malaysia collaborates with Media Prima as a sign of support towards the efforts of the Her Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah to ensure
Atomy HemoHIM - News Coverage from various Medias
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