Atomy Philippines donates to Youth Servant Leadership and Education Program of Caritas Manila

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As part of Atomy's Culture of Sharing and as a full-pledged member of the Direct Selling Association of the Philippines ,Atomy Philippines was privileged to be a blessing to the scholars of Youth Servant Leadership and Education Program of Caritas. YSLEP is the flagship program of Caritas Manila . They believe that education is the best social equalizer to fight and end poverty. This program aims to develop leaders and citizens with moral integrity, self-discipline and social responsibility

In this act of kindness, Atomy Philippines was able to give smiles and hope to the families and scholars of YSLEP.

In November 19, 2020, Atomy Philippines was able to pay a visit and drop the donation in Caritas Office in Pandacan Manila.
Atomy household care and Atomy personal care products were given to the scholars and their families. These products will surely help them in the new normal setup.

Caritas Manila's programs are geared toward integral human, spiritual and socio-economic development of the poor.

They always believe that meaningful assistance must be an empowering process. Most of their programs are designed to transform people form poverty dependence to self-reliance with dignity.

The program head of YSLEP was able to share with us the initiatives of this program that help the scholars and youths from the poorest of the poors in the Philippines.

One of the initiatives of Caritas is Can of Charity Program where you could drop your monetary donations that will help the poorest community in the Philippines.

Behind the mask is a big smile and a happy heart of these scholars. Despite this pandemic we were still able to spread the goodness of Atomy and practice the Culture of Sharing.

Atomy Philippines would like to thank Direct Selling Association of the Philippines for giving us the opportunity to be part of this program.

Truly, no matter how big or small, every contribution to make the world a better place counts tremendously.


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