Atomy Philippines raised PHP 300,000 for Cottolengo Filipino Inc.

Views 790 Date of filming
As part of Atomy's Culture of Sharing, Atomy Philippines conducted a fund-raising event entitled "Atomy Carol Fest for a Cause" to make some children’s Christmas extra special by being a blessing to them.

The chosen charity to be the beneficiary is Cottolengo Filipino Inc. Cottolengo provides residential care for people who were abandoned and neglected as well as for unwanted persons with disability. It provides rehabilitation through its home-like environment, medical services, physical and occupational therapy interventions and special education. Financially unstable PWDs in the community are also welcome in this organization.

With the help of the Atomy members, the Atomy Carol Fest for a Cause was able to raise a total of PHP 82,400. On top of that, Atomy Philippines also donated PHP 217, 600 worth of cash and Atomy products. A total of PHP 300,000 was given to the Cottolengo Filipino Inc.

Indeed, Christmas is a season of love and giving.

Thank you Atomians!



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