
[아주경제] [EN/CH/JP] 애터미, 한국컴패션에 140억 긴급후원

조회수 821 촬영일(노출일)
[English] 22. 08. 24 Aju Business Daily

​Atomy makes $10 mln donation to Compassion Korea to help children suffering from earthquake and war

[Courtesy of Atomy]

SEOUL -- South Korea's direct selling company Atomy has become a strong supporter of children around the world by donating a total of 14 billion won ($10.46 million) to Compassion Korea, the South Korean branch of international non-profit organization Compassion. A total of 30 billion won has been donated to the non-profit organization since 2021.
The donation will be used for children in Thailand, the Philippines, Colombia, Brazil, Indonesia and Mexico where Atomy has already expanded its activities, and children in Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa. Specifically, the company will support children suffering from disasters such as COVID-19, civil wars and earthquakes. A total of 33 projects including tuition for higher education, vocational training and education programs to improve children's cognitive, social and emotional abilities will be provided for selected students. "(Atomy's donation) will be used efficiently and transparently for children and their families, and communities around the world," an unnamed Compassion Korea official said in a statement on August 22. "We are making changes for children, families and even communities by nurturing children suffering from poverty and disasters throughout the world."
It is also notable that Chairman Park donated 7 billion won in private funds along with Atomy's official donation. Park decided to donate without any hesitation when he was told that Compassion Korea needed an emergency fund. "Children are the future of mankind," Park said, adding that he hopes children can play around with joy without suffering from difficulties and disasters as soon as possible.
Compassion has a deep connection with South Korea. The organization was founded by pastor Everett Swanson to support war orphans as he witnessed the horrors of war orphans when he visited the country as a U.S. military chaplain during the Korean War. For the first time in the world, South Korea "graduated" from Compassion's sponsorship program in 1993 and became the 10th sponsor in 2003. 
Founded in 2009 by Park, Atomy is a global direct distributor that recorded more than 2 trillion won in sales in 2021. The company operates in 24 countries including South Korea, the US, Japan, Malaysia, Australia, Britain, Kazakhstan China. Its main products are health functional foods and cosmetics. Atomy’s herbal product HemoHIM recorded sales of more than 370 billion won at home and abroad as of 2021.
Atomy's donation amount is not only top in the network marketing sector, but also in the distribution sector. Moreover, its donation amount is top among 500 major domestic companies. According to data released by business analysis firm CEOSCORE, the domestic distribution industry's sales increased by 10 percent on-year, but donations decreased by 14.3 percent (2.2 billion won). Donation proportion to sales decreased by 0.02 percent. However, Atomy has more than doubled its donation from 2020 by increasing donations to 24.8 billion won, reaching 2.04 percent in the proportion of donations. Not only in the household goods and distribution business, but Atomy was the only company with more than two percent of donation proportion among 500 conglomerates in 2022. Donation proportion of operating profit stands at 18 percent. This indicates that Atomy is the most active domestic company in sharing.
Atomy's contribution activities are carried out in various ways throughout the world. In 2019, the company donated 10 billion won to a project to help single moms and about $10 million was donated to Compassion in 2021. Donations were also made to build a children’s rehab hospital, a research center for an ophthalmic clinic, and to support children whose protection was terminated after being taken care of at public facilities. Donation activities are carried out in different ways depending on the situation of each branch office. The company is hosting an annual half marathon event in South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia and Kazakhstan in which all participation fees are donated. The global distributor is expanding its donation activities overseas as they are making more sales abroad. The 14 billion won donation to Compassion Korea is part of its overseas project.
Atomy’s donation DNA comes from Park's philosophy. Chairman Park Han-gil says a person should be the purpose itself, which is why Atomy’s first clause of its motto is "Soul is precious." Even when Park failed to operate his online shopping mall called "," he donated to elementary students who couldn't pay for school meals by taking a small portion of his salary despite his status as a credit delinquent. He has a strong passion for donation as all of his family members are of Honor Society, a domestic group for major donors.
Atomy's particular focus on sharing with Compassion is because the non-profit organization is nurturing children throughout the world and helping them to grow as leaders who change their households, hometown and human society. Atomy says parenting is all about supporting children in material, mental and educational aspects until a child becomes self-reliant. Through long-term and systematic support, the company aims to do its utmost to transform the world into a better one not only for children but also for families and communities.
"It is God's blessing that I was able to make a lot of money," Park said, adding he will spread the blessing all over the world. 

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[Chinese] 22. 08. 22 亚洲日报








朴韩吉创立的艾多美是一家在去年曾创下超过2万亿韩元销售额的全球直销流通(multi-level marketing)企业。该企业除韩国外,还进军美国、日本、马来西亚、澳大利亚、英国、哈萨克斯坦、中国等全世界24个国家。艾多美的主力产品是健康功能食品和化妆品。以去年为准,“艾多美焕力饮”(Hemohim)产品在国内外创下超3700多亿韩元的销售记录。


【图片提供 艾多美】

韩国企业经营分析专门研究所CEO SCORE的数据显示,从艾多美所属的流通行业的情况来看,虽然2021年总销售额较前一年增加10%,但捐款却同比减少202亿韩元(减少14.3%),在销售额比重下降0.02%。





【图片提供 艾多美】

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[Japanese] 22. 08. 22 亜洲経済



アトミ(Atomy Co., Ltd)が世界中の子供たちの心強い後援者になった。アトミは19日、子供養育機構「コンパッション」にパク・ハンギル会長が70億ウォン、アトミが70億ウォンなど計140億ウォンを寄付したと明らかにした。これは昨年120億ウォンと今年2月に毎年60億ウォンの支援約束に続き進められた寄付で、現在まで韓国コンパッションに渡した後援金は300億ウォンに達する。











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