
Toronto Seminar 12.04.2018

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Toronto Seminar 12.04.2018

Date: December 4th, 2018
Venue: Hilton Toronto/Markham Suites Conference Centre & Spa
Room: Markham Ball Room
Address: 8500 Warden Ave, Markham, ON

MC: DM Ho Sung Yoon
Welcoming Speech: STM Nari Jung
Company Intro Eng Dubbed (VOD): Chairman Han Gill Park
Product Introduction: SRM Essie Lee
Testimony: DM Anna O'Sullivan
Compensation Plan: DM Stevie Chung
Road to Success: STM Joo Young Park
# of participants: 350+

It is already the most magical time of the year, and Toronto is filled with a warm Christmas spirit! The weather in Toronto may make you say “Holy, I am going to freeze!” sometimes, but there are plenty of fun things to do in Toronto during this holiday season. On December 4th, Atomy Canada’s Toronto Seminar brought even more joy to the city. With some Christmas music and videos, more than 350 attendees enjoyed learning about one another, Atomy, and its success system.

We are back again! Toronto seminar was held at this beautiful venue, Hilton Toronto/Markham Suites Conference Centre & Spa. With special guests from Korea, the seats were full the whole night and some even listened in the foyer! That’s dedication!

Welcoming Speech by STM Nari Jung
Visiting all the way from Korea, STM Nari Jung represented our Global Atomy leaders, welcoming Atomians to the Toronto Seminar! We’re so proud to have leaders like her being successful with Atomy. Let’s work harder! Atomy business partners grow forward together!

Leaders Club Welcoming Ceremony – STM Sinwhan Kim
Atomy Canada’s proud Star Master, Sinwhan Kim, completed the achievement of becoming a member of the Leaders Club! Congratulations to STM Sinwhan Kim. She received the Atomy Swan Leaders Pin! Thank you everyone for celebrating her with Atomy Canada!

Company Introduction VOD by CEO Han Gill Park
Even if you are untalented, if you work consistently, Atomy is a business that will eventually bring you success. Even if you are rich, or you hold a stable job, think about your life after retirement. “Think about your second source of income.” We all learned the value of Atomy business from his lecture!

Product Introduction by SRM Essie Lee
SRM Essie Lee introduced Atomy’s health products. It is a fun holiday season, so take extra care of your health with Atomy to prevent illness and enjoy Christmas and New Years with your friends and family!

Testimony by DM Anna O'Sullivan
DM Anna O'Sullivan shared her stories on the Atomy journey with her sister. “With Atomy, I can help much more people.” Her passion to work hard with Atomy motivated many in the venue.

Compensation Plan Lecture by DM Stevie Chung
As a former banker, DM Stevie Chung provided very hands-on lecture on Atomy’s compensation plan and Atomy’s mastership journey. Attend Success Academy, Seminars, and go to the Education Centre! Atomy prepared the success system for you to SUCCEED!

Road to Success by STM Joo Young Park
Many participated to the seminar from remote locations to hear his lecture! Finally, STM Joo Young Park was here in Canada to lecture members with his business tips! Many individuals reviewed themselves if they were putting enough time and efforts after hearing his lecture. “Do you desire to change your future? Do you desire success? If the answer is yes, then Atomy has provided to you all the tools necessary for you to become successful!” He showed members their bright future with Atomy. In Atomy Canada, it is just a beginning. Let’s all work harder to build Atomy together!

MC: DM Ho Sung Yoon
Thank you, DM Ho Sung Yoon to carry such special event and bring the entre venue together!

It was the last seminar Atomy Canada hosts in Toronto in 2018. It was such an honour to see more and more new attendees visit to Toronto Seminars during 2018! We hope all of you enjoyed our seminar and learned many secrets to speed up with your business. Thank you all for visiting our seminar, and thank you for those who stayed in the foyer to listen to lectures! See you everyone in Toronto next year!



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