2024 April Georgia Atomy America Success Academy Highlights

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2024 April Georgia Atomy America Success Academy

Atomy America had it’s first Success Academy in Atlanta, GA this year that took place on April 6th.
Around 500 attendees came to the Sonesta Gwinnett Place Atlanta. We had Diamond Master Rallen
Menorca and Sharon Rose Master Alfonso Macias MC this event. As members arrived at the event,
they enjoyed the Try Me table, drinking coffee, and taking photos during the registration time.


Sharon Rose Master Alfonso Macias and Diamond Master Rallen Menorca started the event by introducing
our Atomy leaders who were invited on stage! We then recited the Company Motto together. Seeing the Atomy
leaders on stage reciting the company motto is inspiring to those who hope to be successful in Atomy. We encourage
our Atomy Leaders to motivate their partners in their businesses, guiding them to a beautiful life with Atomy!


We had Crown Master Ok Hee Lee and Crown Master Jason Shim present the Welcoming Speech.
As successful leaders in Atomy, they are very passionate when speaking on stage.
They encourage you to reach your dreams and goals, to not be afraid and to work hard.
They explain that an important part of becoming successful in Atomy is to attend all seminars.
During Atomy seminars, you will become more educated about the business and products.
By doing this, you will have the knowledge to make it to the top!

We had Diamond Master Aaron Sui present our Product Presentation. He talked about many of
the popular healthcare products that Atomy sells and explained the importance of taking Atomy
supplements and health products every day. Atomy products are absolute quality and absolute price,
meaning they are the best quality and the lowest prices, making Atomy products perfect for anyone!


After that, we had DM Rebeca Gabel speak about the Marketing Plan. She went into detail about
how the compensation plan works, and how easy it is to start making money! There is no
registration fee or annual fee, it is free to sign up with Atomy! If you stay
focused and motivated, anyone can be successful in Atomy.


We had the opportunity to hear some of our Atomy members present their life scenario’s.
We heard about their hopes and dreams as they walked through their Life Scenario wheel,
explaining how they will get to their goals. It is inspiring to see big dreamers in Atomy,
motivating others to work harder in their businesses! We heard from Diamond
Master Frances Fincher, Agent Andres Brand, and Diamond Master Douglas Kim.

After the Life Scenario speeches, we had a 30-minute break. Members had an opportunity to
participate in the Instagram Hashtag event to win a free prize! Members enjoyed
drinking coffee, visiting the try me station, and taking photos during this time.
After the break, we did a stretching exercise that got everyone on their feet. It was a blast!


The next event is our most anticipated part of the program, the Mastership Promotion Ceremony!
We got to celebrate many members and their achievements. We had the opportunity to celebrate
the promotion of Sales Master Veronica Johnigan, Sales Master Allen Nocon, Diamond Master Susan Rhew,
Sharon Rose Master Olena Nikitska, Star Master Grace Lee, and new Royal Master Nem Sian Muang!
Congratulations to all newly promoted members for your hard work and dedication to Atomy!


Our last presenter of the night is guest speaker all the way from Canada, Royal Master Rebecca Wong!
Members enjoyed listening to her passionate speech, she spoke with so much energy and connected
with the members from the stage. Members left feeling inspired and motivated,
determined to grow in their businesses and be successful in Atomy!
Thank you Rebecca for your uplifing words and encouragement!

To end the event, we recited the Company Motto and made announcements
about upcoming Atomy America events. Thank you everyone who attended
the Success Academy, and we hope to see you at the next one!

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