2022 October-November Atomy America Success Academy

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This is our first in-person Success Academy after a long break from COVID-19. It was held in Washington State at the Bellevue Hilton hotel on Oct. 22nd , 2022. We had 400-500 attendees show up in Bellevue to listen to Chairman Han -Gill Park’s special lecture. We had DM Scott Kampen as our MC. He introduced the board members and the leaders, then we recited the company motto.

We also had special guests from Korea, including CEO Han-Gill Park, who attended the event. We had IM Young Sung Yoon (Welcoming Speech), IM Yeon-Sook Kim (Vision Speech), CM Jason Shim (Welcoming Speech), RM Joo Young Park & Nari Jung (Company Introduction), Ryan Lee (Global Atomy Speech).

We were happy to host in-person Success Academies all over the country, which we are fortunate that Atomians have overcome the difficult pandemic period. We gathered and took pictures at a place that signified that we had overcome this hardship.

WA Success Academy Promotion Ceremony presenters were (starting from left) DM Juliana Merafuentes, SM Jennifer Nina, SRM Arsenia Hotzel, and the highlight of the night was given to RM Daniel Lim.

Scott Kampen (MC) guides us into the Success Academy in LA on 10.29.22 after reciting the company motto. The Success Academy in LA were very similar in the program schedule with Bellevue. We had around 900-1,000 member showed up to the event.

Our 2nd Success Academy was held on Oct. 29th at the LAX Hyatt Regency. 900-1000 members showed up for this event. The excitement was noticed, as there were a lot of members and many familiar faces.

Chairman Han-Gill Park was passionately spreading his lecture to Atomy members. First comers were very impressed after the unforgettable lecture. The lecture was mainly about current social issues, the economy, and obtaining a strong mindset.

We had IM Young Sung Yoon as our warm welcoming speaker. Joo Young Park excellently explained about the Atomy Compensation Plan at the event. IM Seong- Il Kim, special guest from Korea, had joined us for the LA Success Academy.

Applauses were given after the unforgettable speech from Chairman Han-Gil Park at the New Jersey Success Academy. 

Every region gets to participate in Hemo time during the event. Upbeat music plays in the background to hype up the Atomy spirit while Atomians receive a pack of HemoHim.

We heard some amazing speeches from our guests, some even came all the way from Korea to be here! (From left, IM Seong-il Kim ; RM Joo Yung,Park ; DM & MC Scott Kampen ; DM Kelly Carey)

Im Seong-il Kim gave an inspirational speech on his own personal  Road to Success.

Featuring Chairman Park’s Special Lecture. Chairman speaks with such passion, which inspires so many Atomians around him to build a successful Atomy business!

Atlanta Success Academy at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel, November 5th , 2022. Pictures feature members dancing at the opening of the event, as well as Chairman Park giving his lecture!

Mastership Promotion Ceremony, featuring Chairman Park awarding members who were promoted that month. Congratulations Atomians!

Chairman Park’s Special Lecture. An inspiring a moving speak which helps Atomy members stay motivated and passionate in their business!

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