President Han-Gill Park of Atomy, Appointed 11th President of the KDSA

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President Han-Gill Park of Atomy, Appointed 11th President of the Korea Direct Selling Industry Association

Emphasized “Direct selling is the most well suited distribution industry in the hyper-connected society”

• Reporter Jae-Heon Ha, Planned/Published 02-13-2019 6:42:51 

[Photo = Atomy] President Han-Gill Park of Atomy was appointed the 11th President of the Korea Direct Selling Industry Association (front row, 4th from the right)

[Reporter Jae-Heon Ha of Seoul Economic Daily Fortune Korea] President Han-Gill Park of Atomy was appointed the 11th President of the Korea Direct Selling Industry Association (hereafter KDSA).

The KDSA held their 27th general meeting at the Kensington Hotel in Yeouido on February 13, where President Han-Gill Park of Atomy was unanimously voted as the new President of the KDSA. The newly elected President Han-Gill Park will lead the KDSA for 3 years until 2022. President Han-Gill Park of the KDSA emphasized that “direct selling is the most well suited distribution industry in the hyper-connected society” and that he will “do his best for further advance the direct selling industry” as he expressed his feelings about his appointment.

The general meeting of the KDSA was attended by the 10th president (AMOREPACIFIC) and over 40 member companies including Amway Korea. The KDSA plans to revise and supplement part of the Door-to-Door Sales Act to protect the personal information and safety of salespersons and to hold the international conference of the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA) in Korea in the year 2023.

 [Photo = Atomy]

During a special lecture, President Han-Gill Park of the KDSA argued that the direct selling industry can compete against platform businesses that are growing with the 4th industrial revolution. President Park presented a roadmap for advancing the direct selling industry during his term, such as establishing a system at the association level that can support the overseas expansion of direct selling companies and building an overseas direct selling market database in connection with the WFDSA.

President Park stated that he will “share the experience and expertise he gained at Atomy, which has grown into the most successful direct selling company in the last 10 years, with member companies” and urged companies to “work together to help grow the direct selling industry into one that distributes high quality products from small but powerful companies into the world”. /


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