2024 June Las Vegas Spanish Regional Seminar

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2024 June Las Vegas Spanish Regional Seminar

Atomy America hosted the Las Vegas Spanish Regional Seminar on June 8th, 2024,
at the Hampton Inn Tropicana Las Vegas. Around 150 members attended this event.
During the registration period, members took photos at the photo-booths,
got a cup of coffee, and received their seats numbers and goody bags.


The MC of this event, Sharon Rose Master Graciela Chagoyan; started the event by inviting
the leaders to the stage to recite the Company Motto together. After that, we had Crown Master
Sihyuk Choi present the Welcoming Speech. He spoke with lots of knowledge and experience,
honing into the crucial elements of this business, how attending Success Academies and
One Day Seminars will help grow your business, and working with others who have exceptional
work ethic. By contributing and working hard, your dreams and hopes can come true.


After, we had Sharon Rose Master Mirna Giron share her Product Introduction.
We had the opportunity to hear her talk about popular Atomy products such as
Vitamin C, Probiotics, Organic Fermented Noni, and HemoHim. She educated the
members about Atomy’s absolute quality and absolute price, explaining how
these Atomy products will help your health and overall well-being. Trying the products
for yourself and sharing them with others is a crucial part of the Atomy business!


After the presentation, we moved into HemoTime! This is a chance for
members to enjoy HemoHim together while getting up to stretch!

Next, we had Sharon Rose Master Mauricio Giron present the Marketing Plan. He explained how
the compensation plan and the Atomy business works, going into detail about right and left legs,
residual income, and point value with product purchases. He encourages all Atomians that they can
be successful in Atomy! There is no registration fee or annual fee, it is free to sign up with Atomy!


After, we had Marketing Staff, Wilkin Telfo; present his Life Scenario. Wilkin talks about his
goals and dreams, saying he wants to earn $500,000 in the next 5 years. He also wants to
buy his family a home with at least 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a backyard, and a big garage
that can fit at least 4 cars! As his personal goal, he wants to work on removing unhealthy foods
and working out 5 times a week. He also wants to go to bed at the same time every night.
By writing out your own Life Scenario, you too can achieve your own dreams and goals!


We then had Colombia Branch Manager Liseth Lineros talk about the branch news.
She spoke about HemoHim coming to Colombia, which is predicted to arrive by the end of the year.
 She informed the Atomians on other events, products, and changes with the Columbia Branch.


After, we had Mexico Branch Manager Erick Lopez speak about upcoming branch news. He educated
the Atomians about the new deodorant for men and women which is set to release by February of 2025.
He explained in detail about how the formula will be different for men and women, since they have different needs.


For our last and most anticipated speech of the day, we had Crown Master Miyoung Park gave the Atomy Vision speech.
Crown Master Park speaks with so much passion and spirit, sharing her experiences and advice in the Atomy business.
She informed the audience how to become successful, encouraging members to attend all seminars.


We want to thank all Atomians who attended the Las Vegas Spanish Regional Seminar of 2024!
We hope you left inspired and motivated in your Atomy business.
Please don’t forget to bring your friends, family, and partners to the next event.


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