2024 April Washington Spanish Regional Seminar

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2024 April WA Spanish Regional Seminar

Atomy America hosted the Washington Spanish Regional Seminar on April 20th, 2024 at the
Four Points Sheraton Des Moines Hotel. Around 100-150 members attended this event,
which included a Product Expo of all Atomy products. We had Health Care, Living, Beauty, Personal Care, 
and Food. Atomy set up booths where members can try, look, and learn about Atomy products!

During this time, members also enjoyed the photo-booths, coffee, and our Pre-show games.
We had MC Wilkin Telfo select a volunteer to play a game to win a free prize.
They must also answer trivia questions about Atomy to win an additional prize!
Members enjoyed all the fun activities before the seminar started.


The MC started the event by reciting to Company Motto together, after that he introduced
the leaders to the stage. We then had Crown Master Ok Hee Lee present the Welcoming Speech.
She inspired Atomians to never give up and to keep working hard in your business.
Anything is achievable in Atomy, keep the faith and the vision, and you will become successful in Atomy.


After, we had  Atomians volunteer to share their Product Introduction. We had the opportunity
to hear from Diamond Master Miriam Gomez, Agent Tonya Guzman, Sales Master Delia Barco, and
Sales Master Irene Molina. They taught the members about Atomy’s absolute quality and absolute price,  
explaining how Atomy products will change your life! With the variety of products,
high quality ingredients, and amazing prices, who wouldn’t want to have Atomy in their home?


After the presentation, we moved into HemoTime! This is a chance for members to enjoy HemoHim together
while getting up to stretch. After that, we had a fashion show which showed the models
promoting Atomy products such as HemoHim, Hongsamdan, The Absolute Set, and The Fame Set.

We then moved onto our Product Testimony. We had the opportunity to hear Atomy members
share their personal experiences with Atomy products. Members opened about how Atomy products
have changed their lives, and even say that they cannot go a day without certain products. It is important
to learn about Atomy products, but also to use the products so you can promote them the best you can!

Star Master Sam Yoon gave our last presentation of the evening, the Atomy Vision speech.
Sam speaks with lots of knowledge and experience of the business, informing the audience
about the business, how to be successful, and work well in a team. He encourages
members to attend all seminars, explaining how if by listening, learning,
and integrating new information in your business, you will make it to the top!

We want to thank all Atomians who attended the WA Spanish Regional Seminar of 2024!
We hope you left inspired and motivated in your Atomy business.
Please don’t forget to bring your friends, family, and partners to the next event.


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