2024 March Atomy America Success Academy Highlights

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2024 March Atomy America Success Academy

We had the second Success Academy of the year that took place on March 9th in Los Angeles, California.
Around 300 attendees came to the Hyatt Regency International Airport Hotel. We had
Sales Master Susana Perez and Sharon Rose Master Alfonso Macias MC this event. Many members
enjoyed drinking coffee, taking photos, and visiting the Try-Me table during the registration time.

Our MC for the event Sales Master Susana Perez and Sharon Rose Master Alfonso Macias started the event by reciting the
Company Motto together. After reciting the motto, they introduced our Atomy leaders who were here with us on stage!
We hope our Atomy Leaders inspire and motivate their partners and members to follow in their footsteps
to be successful in Atomy. Our leaders are great examples of how the Atomy business can change your life!

We then had Crown Master Ok Hee Lee from Washington State present the Welcoming Speech.
She shows lots of enthusiasm on stage as she inspired members with her passionate speech.
Anyone can do the Atomy business! She explains that a vital part of succeeding in Atomy is to attend the
Atomy seminars. You will learn from educated and experienced Atomianns how to make it to the top!

We then had our Product Presentation done by Sales Master Giovanni Perez. He explained the importance of
taking Atomy supplements such as HemoHim every day. Prioritizing your health will make you look and feel better!
Need energy throughout the day? Take HemoHim! Our Atomy products are absolute quality and absolute price.
He shares the importance of trying all Atomy products so you can promote these amazing products to others!

We then moved to our next speaker, Sharon Rose Master Christina Kim who did the Marketing Plan presentation.
Christina explained how the compensation plan and the Atomy business works. She went into details about
how to make residual income, and how everyone can be successful in Atomy. There is no registration fee
or annual fee, it is free to sign up with Atomy! To be successful, you must under the Atomy compensation plan.

We had many members present their life scenario. We had the opportunity to hear their hopes and dreams
while seeing their personal Life Scenario wheels. Their speeches inspired many Atomians to work harder
in their businesses! We heard from Lydia Bernabe, Fe Israel Wiest, and Kathy Huang.
Thank you to all Life Scenario presenters for sharing your dreams and goals!

When then had a 30-minute coffee break, where members had an opportunity to participate in the Instagram Hashtag
event to win a free prize! Member must post a picture on their Instagram account with the Atomy hashtag.
After that,  we then did a stretching exercise which got all the Atomains on their feet.
We felt so much energy and excitement during the stretching and entertainment.
The next event is our most anticipated part of the program, the Mastership Promotion Ceremony! We got to celebrate
many members and their achievements, congrats to all newly promoted members! We had the opportunity to
celebrate the promotion of Sales Master Carolann Pias, Diamond Masteer Sunny Youngsun Lee,
Sharon Rose Master Yon Himelman, and Sharon Rose Master Perla Santos.
Congratulations to all newly promoted members for your hard work and dedication to Atomy!

Our last presenter of the night is guest speaker all the way from Korea, Imperial Master Haejung Lee. 
She spoke about her story with Atomy, how she met Atomy, and how she became successful in Atomy. 
She explains the importance of attending all seminars, listening to Chairman Park videos, and learning from
your business partners and team. She inspired and motivated all the Atomians to make it to the top!
We ended the event with announcements, the company motto, and a group photo.
Thank you everyone who attended the Success Academy!

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