ARTICLE 2024 January Los Angeles Success Academy Highlights
2024 January Los Angeles Success Academy Highlights

The first Success Academy of the year took place on January 27th in Los Angeles, California.
Around 450 attendees came tothe Hyatt Regency International Airport Hotel. Many members enjoyed
drinking coffee, taking photos, and visiting the Try-Me table during the registration period.

Our MC for the event was DM Scott Kampen and SM Susana Perez who started to event out by
reciting the Company Motto together. After reciting the motto, they introduced our
Atomy leaders who were here with us on stage! We respect the hard work and dedication these
leaders have portrayed and hope many Atomians can be inspired to make it into the Leaders Club!

We then had CRM Judy Ryu all the way from New Jersey present the welcoming speech.
She has so much love and enthusiasm for Atomy as she inspired the audience with her passionate speech.
She spoke about the importance of attendingthe Atomy seminars, and to learn from educated and
experienced Atomains how to become successful in the business!

We then heard from Branch Director Green Lim as he made a short speech about the GO 100 Campaign.
He urges and encourages the Atomians to go out and meet 100 people a day and to share Atomy with all the
new people you meet. Everyone should know about Atomy’s absolute quality and absolute price!

We then moved on to our next speaker, SRM Mimi Grier who did the marketing plan presentation.
She taught the Atomians how the compensation plan and the Atomy business works,
educating all the members. She spoke passionately, enjoying her time on stage.

We had many members present their life scenario. We had the opportunity to hear their hopes and dreams
while seeing their personal Life Scenario wheels. Their speeches inspired many Atomians to work harder
in their businesses! We heard from Deb Weidenhamer, SM Alexis Gonzales, SM Chris Park, and Pamela Bell.

When then had a 30-minute coffee break, where members had an opportunity to participate in the
Instagram Hashtag event to win a free prize! We then did a stretching exercise which got all the
Atomains on their feet. We felt so much energy and excitement during these times at the event!
We then had a great singing performance done by one of our members.
Everyone enjoyed the songs she sang and the perfect performance she gave.

The next event is our most anticipated part of the program, the Mastership Promotion Ceremony!
We got to celebrate many members and their achievements, congrats to all newly promoted members!
We had the opportunity to celebrate the promotion of SM Aladia Field, SM Yonggun Min, and SRM Bryon Furukawa.
Congratulations to all newly promoted members for your hard work and dedication to Atomy!

Our last presenter of the night is guest speaker all the way from Korea, Dr. Imjoung La; also known as “Dr. Noni”.
Members had such a great time listening to Dr. Noni present in depth the health benefits of the Atomy Noni Concentrate.
Dr. Noni talked with lots of passion and enthusiasm, encouraging the members to drink Noni everyday!

We ended the event with announcements and the company motto.
Thank you everyone who attended the Success Academy!