2023 September Atomy America Success Academy

Views 852 Date of filming

USA/ Los Angeles Success Academy

A group of people sitting at a table

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On September 9th, 2023, we had a Success Academy in Los Angeles at the Hyatt Regency hotel.
About 600 attendees showed up in LA to join us for this event. The MC for this event was Sharon Rose Master,
Alfonso Macias. He introduced the leaders and board members. After that, we recited the company motto together.

We had a Leaders Club member, Star Master Jin Yi present the welcoming speec
Our Marketing Director, Alex Kim presented the global Atomy news and reports.
Many members enjoy hearing about upcoming events and product rleases!

A person in a suit on a stage

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We had Sharon Rose Master Rocelyn Symonds do our product presentation. Many members loved learning about our
 absolute products and absolute prices! She made many members excited with her product presentation.

We had CM Moon Gyeom Kim do the compensation plan presentation. He taught the Atomians
how the compensation plan and the Atomy business works, educating all the members.

A person in a suit holding a microphone

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We had many members present their life scenario. We had the opportunity to hear their hopes and dreams while
seeing their personal Life Scenario wheels. Their speeches inspired many Atomians to work harder in their businesses!

The next event is our most anticipated part of the program, the Mastership Promotion Ceremony!
We got to celebrate many members and their achievements, congrats to all newly promoted members!

A person holding a microphone and a stack of boxes

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A person and person holding a travel ticket

Description automatically generatedA person and person holding boxes and flowers

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A group of people standing together

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We had Crown Leaders Club member, Crown Master Mi Young Park; present our vision speech for our Success Academy.
She spoke passionately while sharing her Road to Success and explained how other Atomy members can be successful too!

A person holding a trophy

Description automatically generatedA person standing on a stage with microphones

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LA ASM and LC Workshop

A group of people in a room

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We had the Los Angeles Auto Sales Masters and Leaders Club Workshop on September 8th, 2023.
We had around 150 members show up. The MC for this event was Marketing employee Wilkin Telfo.

Coming all the way from Korea, We had CM Moon Gyeom Kim do our Welcoming speech.
He uplifted the Atomians spirits andencouraged them to work hard in their businesses.
The members were overjoyed and determined to reach their goals and dreams.

A person in a suit giving a presentation

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Next, we had an Icebreaker which started the workshop with lots of excitement!We had Marketing employee,
Karley Gieser, run this event. During this icebreaker, Members had the opportunity to win the Atomy Noni!

A group of people raising their hands

Description automatically generatedA group of people sitting in a room

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After, we had CM Jason Shim talk about Atomy Leadership. He explained the importance in staying
humble with good intentions,and the things you must do in order to become a great leader in Atomy.
These are important skills that we must implement in our daily lives.

A person speaking into a microphone

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We had CM Mi Young park come all the way from Korea to present the Atomy Core Values.
We must remember the foundation of Atomy,
and how youcan use it in your businesses. She motivates members to use the
Atomy Core Values in their daily lives and businesses.

A person in a blue jacket holding a microphone

Description automatically generatedA person in a blue jacket speaking into a microphone

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We then heard from Branch Director Green Lim on the Go & Meet 100 campaign.
He explains that members must go meet 100 people and tell then about Atomy.
We must not be timid, but rather excited to talk about Atomy. Become successful and help others do the same!

A person in a white shirt holding a microphone

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We then had Group Discussion time and presentations from the members.
We heard wonderful speeches from the members.We had the opportunity 
to hear testimonies of members who have experienced how Atomy can change your life.

We finished the workshop with the closing statement and the company motto.

USA/ New Jersey Success Academy

A group of people sitting at tables in a room

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On September 16th, 2023, we had a Success Academy in New Jersey at the Teaneck Marriott Glenpointe hotel.
We had around 550 attendees show up in NJ to join us for this event.
Our MC for this event was Sharon Rose Master Alfonso Macias.
He introduced the leaders and board members. After that, we recited the company motto together.

A person holding a microphone and pointing at a sign

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We then had Eunice Hahn present the Welcoming Speech. She encouraged the members to stay
focused andhumble in their businesses. But, also to  dream vividly and to achieve your goals!

A person standing on a stage

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After that, we had Marketing Director Alex Kim present the global Atomy news and reports.
He covers topics such as new product releases, upcoming events, and other announcements.

A person in a suit holding a microphone

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Up next, we had the compensation plan which was done by SRM Noeme Barnes.
Then, members had the chance to share their life scenario. 
They shared their dreams and goals with all the member,
which motivated them to work harder in their businesses! 

A person holding a microphone and pointing up

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A person holding a microphone

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We then had the most anticipated event in our program, the Mastership Promotional Ceremony.
We had an opportunity to celebrate members on their achievements and accomplishments. Congrats!

A person and person holding a stack of boxes

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A person holding a microphone and flowers

Description automatically generatedA person holding a microphone and a bouquet of flowers

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A person holding a microphone and flowers

Description automatically generatedA person and person holding flowers

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A person holding a microphone

Description automatically generatedA group of people celebrating

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We had guest speaker all the way from Korea, a Crown Leaders Club member,
Crown Master Mi Young Park,do the Vision speechand talk about her Road to Success. 
She inspired many Atomians and encouraged them to work harder in their businesses. 

A person holding a microphone

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NJ ASM and LC Workshop

A group of people in blue shirts

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We had the New Jersey Auto Sales Masters and Leaders Club Workshop on September 15th, 2023.
We had around 180 members show up. The MC for this event was Marketing employee Wilkin Telfo.

We had Branch Director Green Lim do the Welcoming speech. He uplifted the Atomians spirits and encouraged them to
work hard in their businesses. To talk to 100 people a day about Atomy. To spread the word about this amazing company!

A person holding a microphone

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Next, we had an Icebreaker which started the workshop with lots of excitement! We had Marketing
 employee Karley Gieser run this event. During this icebreaker, Members had the opportunity to win the Atomy Noni!

A group of people standing on a stage

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After, we had CM Jason Shim talk about Atomy Leadership. He explained the importance in staying humble
with good intentions, and the things you must do in order to become a great leader in Atomy.
These are important skills that we must implement in our daily lives.

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We then had Group Discussion time and presentations from the members.
We heard wonderful speeches from the members. We had the opportunity
to hear testimonies of members who have experienced how Atomy can change your life!       
A group of women standing in front of a blue backdrop

Description automatically generatedA group of people wearing blue jackets

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We had CM Mi Young park come all the way from Korea to present the Atomy Core Values.
We must remember the foundation of Atomy, and how you can use it in your businesses.
She motivates members to use the Atomy Core Values in their daily lives and businesses

A person holding a microphone and raising her fist

Description automatically generatedA person in a blue jacket

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We finished the workshop with the closing statement and the company motto.


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