[News Card] Distribution Hub (ENG)

Views 56 Date of filming
Distribution Hub
Producers and Consumers Connected in the Shortest Distance

A global distribution hub
Atomy aims to become the global distribution hub, or the center of all distribution. The Global Sourcing Global Sales (GSGS) strategy, identifying the absolute quality and price products and distributing it through the worldwide network, is one of the ways to achieve the goal. The global network connecting production to  consumption will give Atomy the competitiveness in the future of commerce. Atomy is strengthening its position as a distribution hub by competing with all distribution channels, beyond the direct selling industry. Like the Chinese saying, “Cheonmang-hoe-hoe (天網恢恢) So-yi-bu-lu (疎而不漏),” Atomy’s network may seem loose but it strives to embrace every consumer of the world.

There are no limits to the competition
The essence of direct selling is distribution. This means that the industry must compete with discount stores,* The large and wide sky may seem like a loose net, but nothing is left out. department stores, TV home shopping and online shopping malls apart from the characteristics of “multi-level” and “network” marketing. The competitiveness must come from the quality and price. Better quality at lower prices compared to other distribution channels will surely lead the battle to victory. The future of distribution, however, requires Atomy to compete with manufacturers as well. The D2C (Direct to Consumer) businesses are currently receiving the spotlight and the IT giants are also competitors. We must acknowledge and be prepared for all industries to become the competitors in distribution.

The GSGS strategy to become the global distribution hub
The ultimate goal of Atomy is to become a global distribution hub. Simply selling Korean products to the global market is enough and absolute quality and absolute price products must be provided to every consumer around the world. The GSGS strategy, designed to satisfy this very need, is sourcing competitive products from countries where Atomy is present and supply them to the global consumers through its network. As Atomy expands to more locations and additional markets and suppliers are secured, the strategy will become increasingly active.


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[News Card] 董事长寄语 - Words Over Matter 萬相不如言相 (CHN)Views 338Date of filming

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[News Card] 顾客成功 (CHN)Views 196Date of filming

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[News Card] Kejayaan Pelanggan (MYS)Views 94Date of filming

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