Mongsang Education Centre Challenge In this exciting event, Atomy New Zealand's education centres came together to embrace the power of Chairman Han-Gill Park's inspiring catchphrases:
"I will become an Imperial Master and make $100K a month!"
"I will make my partners successful so that they earn $100K a month!"
"I will make my sponsor Imperial Master!"
Each centre was tasked with incorporating these powerful statements into their submissions, showcasing their dedication, ambition, and team spirit.
Despite the short time frame, the enthusiasm and creativity from every centre were truly remarkable!
Watch as these centres rise to the challenge, demonstrating their commitment to growth and success within the Atomy family!
Mongsang Education Centre Challenge In this exciting event, Atomy New Zealand's education centres came together to embrace the power of Chairman Han-Gill Park's inspiring catchphrases:
"I will become an Imperial Master and make $100K a month!"
"I will make my partners successful so t
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