Hemohim Together | 一起 HemoHIM | 2025

Views 290 Date of filming
Credit to Atomy Malaysia Members

Embarking from every corner of the world, we come together, united by our dreams!

This special song, crafted for the Lunar New Year,
weaves the stories of ordinary people’s perseverance and the harmony of teamwork into every note.

The lyrics vividly portray our shared journey of overcoming negativity, standing side by side, and supporting one another

Reflecting the inspiring spirit of Atomy: as long as we stay true to our original aspirations, we can create our own miracles!

As the New Year dawns, bring along your dreams and determination, and join us in singing and dancing!

Let the melodies and laughter accompany you in embracing a year filled with love and hope.

This song is more than just music—it’s the passion and inspiration igniting your heart!

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Hemohim Together | 一起 HemoHIM | 2025

Credit to Atomy Malaysia Members Embarking from every corner of the world, we come together, united by our dreams! This special song, crafted for the Lunar New Year, weaves the stories of ordinary people’s perseverance and the harmony of teamwork into every note. The lyrics vividly


  • Helpful for beginning members
  • Includes information about Atomy
  • Gives a better understanding of Atomy business and products
  • Helps me find Atomy's vision

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