Success Academy Jakarta 27-28 September 2024

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SA Jakarta 27-28 September 2024
Red Top Hotel

Hari Pertama, 27 September 2024:
MC: Maria Fransiska (DM)
Greeting Speech: Liman Sentosa (STM|LC)
Company Introduction: Lili Sendjaja (DM)
Product Introduction: Inggrid Natalia (DM)
Talkshow Story: Windy Hidayat (SRM)
Atomy Vision: Kim Beom Soo (RM|RLC)

Greeting Speech: Liman Sentosa (STM|LC)

Company Introduction: Lili Sendjaja (DM)

Product Introduction: Inggrid Natalia (DM)

Talkshow Story: Windy Hidayat (SRM)

Atomy Vision: Kim Beom Soo (RM|RLC)

New Mastership Promotion
New Sales Master September 2024

New Mastership Auto Sales Master

New Mastership Diamond Master

New Mastership Sharon Rose Master

Day 2: 28 September 2024
MC: Maria Fransiska (DM)
Why Atomy?: Syappuruddin Syachrani (DM)
Life Scenario Sharing: Yenly, Desmi & Obed Bitti
Road to Success: Kim Beom Soo (RM|RLC)

Why Atomy?: Syappuruddin Syachrani (DM)

Life Scenario Sharing: Yenly, Desmi & Obed Bitti

Road to Success: Kim Beom Soo (RM|RLC)

DAY 2:

인터넷 익스플로러 사용자는 [도구]-[호환성보기] 를 클릭하여 호환성보기를 해제하여 주시기 바랍니다.