Views 2,675 Date of filming

Date & Time Tarikh & Waktu 日期时间:2020-12-19 (Saturday) , 2:00pm - 6:00pm
Venue Lokasi 地点 : Atomy Malaysia Wyndham Acmar Hotel
Total Viewer Jumlah Penonton 总参加人数 : 2,550 pax (1,250 from Youtube and 1,300 from Zoom)

Atomy Malaysia wishing you a magical and blissful holiday! Today Success Academy began with the Opening Band Performance by FAZZ.

Akuan Sumpah (Oath reciting) and Company Motto by Finics Yong, Sales Master who also the host of the Success Academy 

Greeting Speech by Country Manager. Mr. Kim reporting Past and Future charity which done by Atomy Malaysia.

Company Introduction - Vincent Tan, STM@Royal Leader Club
- Topic: Past and Future of Atomy Malaysia (Consumer based Platform with Kindhearted way)
- One of the youngest member of the Atomy Royal Leaders Club in Southeast Asia.
- He used to be a car repair mechanic and he have had a huge change through Atomy. You can find all his secrets through this coming SA.

Product Introduction – Rosmaria Sahat, SRM 
-Topic: Coming soon products (Cica set & Cream mist)
- Born in a modest family in N.Sembilan and had an early education at a prominent religious school in Malaysia.
- Experienced as a trainer, motivator and also a writer.

Draft your Life scenario and make it like a wheel with scoring of 10and your life will be wonderful , By Chairman Dr. Park Han Gill
Balanced Life and Life Scenario Video , change your life by understanding what chairman said in 40 minutes

Life Scenario Sharing 1 (Home recording)
Tengku Safwan Bin Tengku Asmadi, DM
Ting Su Yee, SM

Auto Sales Master – Michelle Quek, SRM@Leaders Club 
- Topic: 8 cores , a formula for success while practicing Atomy 8 steps to success (She will premiere a new life scenario book which coming soon)
- No high educational background, No special talents, ONLY have nearly 20 years of white-collar working experience.
- She used to not believe any direct selling. She even felt that direct selling is a harmful business for everyone and their social networking. Now, she is fully passionated with Atomy and always dream vividly for her future.

Band Performance (Two X'mas songs)

Mastership Promotion Ceremony (Achievers in November 2020) hosted by Jayden & Finics Sales Master who are in Xmas attire

Sales Master Achiever and representative Fan Soang Set , SM

Diamond Master Achievers and representative Mohd Sulutan Bin Ali , DM

6 Sharon Rose Master Achievers and Congratulations to all your success!

3 Star Master Achievers and Congratulations to all your success!

Listen to the precious quotes from our newly achiever for Leader Club and Royal Leaders Club member.

Cindie Cheng & Benson Kwan,SRM @LC
Quote : The love story of Atomy

Michelle Quek, SRM @ LC
Quote : Know the trend = know the future = know your life

Connie Wong & Hong Seng Hook, STM@RLC
QUOTE : Do not judge the seeds, every seeds that you spread will become a huge field of the beautiful gardens, it grows the beautiful roses.

Not forget the contribution of our interpreters who has translated throughout the whole session of Success Academy.. And join the reward program =)
Aja Aja Aja !

For more photo , please click link below

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