Views 533 Date of filming

Date & Time: 2022-12-17 (Saturday), 11:00am
Venue: MITEC, KL
Total Viewers: 2,300 Pax

December Success Academy marks the last Atomy Malaysia Success Academy of the year 2022! Although the year has come to an end, our efforts will continue to create a better future for everyone! Keep on dreaming vividly!

Emcee & Company Motto by Finics Yong, Diamond Master

Akuan Sumpah (Oath reciting) by Jovie Tan, Sales Master

Company Greeting Speech by Country Manager Mr. Sewon Kim
In his speech, he congratulates Atomians for their achievement in 2022. He also reminds us all to never stay in our comfort zone. He also encourages members to make new goals and new year resolutions.

Leader Welcome Speech by Norsarina, STM @ Royal Leaders Club
Greeting speech by a respected leader welcoming Atomy Members and newcomers to the Success Academy. An equal opportunity for everyone to build their business with transparency, guidance and honest leadership.

Why Atomy - Icess Tan, STM @ Leaders Club
In this session, the speaker highlights the key-points in their own perspective pertaining to the reasons why they chose Atomy as a business of choice and how it has affected them in their daily lives.

Member's Story - Maryati, Diamond Master
In this session, the speaker shares her perspective of Atomy. Everyone has a different background, life story, challenges and obstacles. Listen to how she benefitted from Atomy.

New Product Know-How by Dr. Lee Hak Sung, Director of Kolmar Supplement Lab
All the way from Korea, in his session Dr Lee Hak Sung shares about Atomy Finezyme and its benefits as a supplement. He also shares scientific data, ingredients, usage and suggestions.

Balanced Life & Life Scenario - Michelle Quek, STM @ Leaders Club
Everyone wants and dreams of having a Balanced Life with financial freedom, time freedom and happiness, but how many of them actually put their dreams on paper? To achieve a Balanced Life, one needs to dream it vividly and put it in writing!

Member Life Scenario Sharing
Jovie Tan, SM
Jasmine See, SM
Azura, Member

Success of Recruitment Principle - Dr. Tengku Asmadi, STM @ Royal Leaders Club
Captivating speaker presenting the Success of Recruitment Principle. Audiences are learning and taking notes to ensure that they can implement newly found knowledge to their business!

Special Award Ceremony
Congratulations to our Special Award winners for best performance in the registration and redeem recruitment campaign! Three cheers for Lee Jing Yee, Mahadi Ramly & Firza Hussain!

Road to Success - Jadick Lai, CRM @ Crown Leaders Club
An insightful session by our Crown Master and Crown Leaders Club member diving deep into his take of Road to Success. Learn from those who have succeed, because you can replicate and duplicate until you make it!

Sales Master Mastership Promotion
Congratulations to all newly promoted Sales Master for achieving the first step in your journey to success, financial freedom and life balance!

Festive Cheer
Atomians were surprised by the festive cheer ambiance and atmosphere, thank you for your participation in the last Success Academy of 2022. Let's make history in coming year!

Closing event by reciting the company motto, see you next time!

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