Views 597 Date of filming

Date & Time: 2022-09-24 (Saturday), 2:00pm - 7:00pm
Venue: MITEC, KL & Le Meridien Hotel, KK
Total Viewers: 3,140pax KL / 200pax KK / 990 Online Zoom

For the month of September, Atomy Malaysia once again held Success Academy in 2 venues simultaneously. MITEC Kuala Lumpur & Le Meridien KK.
Happy faces ready for a life-changing experience!

Company Motto by Finics Yong, Diamond Master and Kainnie Liew, Diamond Master (KL) & Aleena Gan, Sharon Rose Master (KK)

Akuan Sumpah (Oath reciting) by Azini Othman, Diamond Master (KL) & Emzee, Sharon Rose Master (KK)

Company Greeting Speech by Mr. Kim, Country Manager (KL) & Mr. Kea, Office Manager (KK)
In their speech, they warmly welcome all attendees and congratulate a full house appearance. They also reminded that the Atomy Success System is not just SA but also other elements of Atomy that make up the root, trunk and leaf of a tree.

Leader Greeting Speech Vincent Tan, CRM @ Crown Leaders Club (KL) & Susan Undih, SRM @ Center Leader (KK)
Greeting speech by respected leaders welcoming Atomy Members and newcomers to the Success Academy. An equal opportunity for everyone to build their business with transparency, guidance and honest leadership.

Why Atomy - Alex Ong, RM @ RLC (KL) & Fabian Kong, SRM (KK)
In this session, both speakers highlights the key-points in their own perspective pertaining to the reasons why they chose Atomy as a business of choice and how it has affected them in their daily lives.

Member's Story - Ruslan Assylbekov, SRM (KL) & Emzee Lee, SRM (KK)
In this session, both esteemed speakers share their point of view from the perspective of unique individuals. Everyone has a different background, life story, challenges and obstacles. Listen to how they benefitted from Atomy.

GSGS Product Presentation Ceremony
In this GSGS Product Presentation session, Yanekki, Sales Master & Vynce Chia, GSGS Manager talks and explains about the Atomy Bird's Nest Drink. One of Atomy Malaysia's GSGS specialty product!

Atomy Malaysia Corporate Compliance Ceremony
After a year of hard work, perseverance and focus, Atomy Malaysia is now dually certified with ISO9001: 2015 (Quality Management System) & MS1900: 2015 (Shariah-Based Quality Management System). This integrated Management System is the Company's ongoing effort to enhance customer experience.

Success of Recruitment Principle - Justin Ooi, SRM @ Leaders Club (KL) & Gina Chang, Diamond Master (KK)
Captivating speakers presenting the Success of Recruitment Principle. Audiences are learning and taking notes to ensure that they can implement newly found knowledge to their business!

Balanced Life & Life Scenario - Sophia Chen, RM @ Royal Leaders Club (KL) & Haji Raimi Sidek, SRM (KK)
Everyone wants and dreams of having a Balanced Life with financial freedom, time freedom and happiness, but how many of them actually put their dreams on paper? To achieve a Balanced Life, one needs to dream it vividly and put it in writing!

Life Scenario Sharing
Koei See, DM & Belinda Koh, Member (KL)
Wendy Kok, DM & Joey Sai, Member (KK)

Road to Success - Park Jeong Soo, Imperial Master
A powerful session filled with passion by our Imperial Master all the way from South Korea. She shared a very heartfelt story of how it all began, and how she witnessed the success of Atomy system.

Special Performance - Sand Art of IM Park Jeong Soo!

Mastership Ceremony

Sales Master Representative - Habel Edmund (KL) & Eresia Sabin (KK)

Congratulations to all newly promoted Sales Master for achieving the first step in your journey to success, financial freedom and life balance!

Diamond Master Representative - Jennifer Tan (KL) & Boni Mosios and Dr. Monica (KK)

Congratulations to all Diamond Master achievers! You have taken a big long stride in the right direction towards inevitable success!

Sharon Rose Master Representative - Mary Angela (KL)

A big heartfelt Congratulations to all New Sharon Rose Masters of Atomy Malaysia!

Congratulations to our our newly promoted Star Master Jessica Pun Yin! Your achievement is an inspirational example and goal for many to follow!

Leaders Club Pin Ceremony

Congratulations to Pansy Lim & Teow Joo Heng, Royal Masters @ Royal Leaders Club for their achievement! May their leadership bring all members perseverance and hope to someday meet at the top! Never give up!

Thank you to all interpreters, Usherettes and volunteers for making this event a success!

Closing event by reciting the company motto, see you next time!

For more photos, click the link below:

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KK :


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