Views 509 Date of filming

JULY 2022

Date & Time: 2022-07-24 (Saturday) , 9:30am - 6:00pm
Venue: Wyndham Acmar Klang & Hilton Hotel KK
Total Viewers: 2,544 (1,500 pax KL / 300 pax KK / 744 Online)

After 2 years of having Online Success Academy, We are finally back to Fully Offline Success Academy with 2 places at once running simultaneously! This comeback is in line with the Endemic phase announced by the government, and we are so glad to see happy faces once again at the Atomy Malaysia Success Academy both in WM & EM!

Company Motto by Finics Yong, Diamond Master and Monica Chin, Star Master (KL) & Aleena Gan, Sharon Rose Master (KK)

Akuan Sumpah (Oath reciting) by Tengku Osman, Sharon Rose Master (KL) & Rose Mary Michael, Diamond Master (KK)

Company Greeting Speech by Kea Wong, Office Manager (KL) & Mr. Kim, Country Manager (KK)
In their speech, Mr. Kim and Mr. Kea highlighted the full swing of Atomy Malaysia Success Academy and seminars after the Pandemic. After 2 years, we are back to 2 Success Academy in both West Malaysia and East Malaysia.

Leader Greeting Speech by Alex Ong, RM @ Royal Leaders Club (KL) & Jessica Pun Yin, SRM @ Leaders Club (KK)
Greeting speech by respected leaders welcoming Atomy Members and newcomers to the Success Academy. An equal opportunity for everyone to build their business with transparency, guidance and honest leadership.

Why Atomy - Chia Lin, SRM (KL) & Malina Augustine, SRM (KK)
In this session, both speakers highlights the key-points in their own perspective pertaining to the reasons why they chose Atomy as a business of choice and how it has affected them in their daily lives.

Member's Story - Tengku Osman, SRM (KL) & Rose Mary Michael, DM (KK)
In this session, both esteemed speakers share their point of view from the perspective of unique individuals. Everyone has a different background, life story, challenges and obstacles. Listen to how they benefitted from Atomy.

Product Know How - Caiden Loh, Regulatory Affairs Manager (KL) & Darren Yap, Regulatory Affairs Manager (KK)
In this session, we have our in-house Regulatory Affairs team to explain the benefits and advantages of the newly-launched Atomy Noni Botanical Beverage with Calamansi. Have you tried it?

Balanced Life & Life Scenario - YK Lai, STM @ Leaders Club (KL & KK)
Everyone wants and dreams of having a Balanced Life with financial freedom, time freedom and happiness, but how many of them actually put their dreams on paper? To achieve a Balanced Life, one needs to dream it vividly and put it in writing!

Life Scenario Sharing
Kai Jun, SRM & Fanny Lam, SRM (KL)
Mandy Wong,SM & Edenny Augustin, DM (KK)

Road To Success - Piao Guang Xu, CRM @ Crown Leaders Club
An overseas leader special guest invited especially to share his version of Road to Success to Malaysian Atomians, a powerful speech raising motivation that will surely spark dedication and commitment!

Lucky Draw Session
A Success Academy wouldn't be complete without seeing happy faces of members winning lucky draw sessions! If you didn't win this time, you have a chance every month by participating in the Success System!

Atomy Shake Challenge Award Ceremony
Congratulations to all Atomy Malaysia Shake Challenge winners and contestants! It surely wasn't an easy journey, but the transformation is surely worth it! We are proud of your results and all Atomians thanks you for the inspiration!

Mastership Ceremony

Sales Master Representative - Lim Shi Xian (KL) & Carl Baenjie (KK)

Congratulations to all newly promoted Sales Master for achieving the first step in your journey to success, financial freedom and life balance!

Diamond Master Representative - Micky Lim (KL) & Christyne Mossom (KK)

Congratulations to all Diamond Master achievers! You have taken a big long stride in the right direction towards inevitable success!

Sharon Rose Master Representative - Low Eu De (KL)

A big heartfelt Congratulations to all New Sharon Rose Masters of Atomy Malaysia!

Congratulations to our our newly promoted Star Master Celine Foo! Your achievement is an inspirational example and goal for many to follow!

Thank you to all interpreters, Usherettes and volunteers for making this event a success!

Closing event by reciting the company motto, see you next time!

For more photos, click the link :

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