ONLINE SUCCESS ACADEMY (July 2021) Atomy's Got Talent

Views 3,070 Date of filming

Date & Time: 2021-07-31 (Saturday) , 2:00pm - 6:00pm
Venue: Atomy Malaysia (Home Edition)
Total Viewers: 3,005 pax (934 from Youtube, 1,170 from Zoom, 901 from Fb)

This month's Atomy Malaysia Online Success Academy is done via Home Edition due to still on going MCO. For July month's Success Academy, we are celebrating the theme of Atomy's Got Talent, to appreciate all our talented Atomians!

Akuan Sumpah (Oath reciting) and Company Motto by Finics Yong, Sales Master and the host of the Success Academy

Greeting Speech by Country Manager, Mr. Sewon Kim - In his speech, he talks about the company's outstanding performance and achievements in the 1st half of 2021. He also looks forward in stepping into the 2nd half together for a more fruitful and bright future.

Why Atomy - Abu Talib Husin, Sales Master
In his session, Talib shares his past experiences in life through countless jobs and side hustles to make end's meet. Although he is a television personality, he also faced challenges like the rest of us. His life changed after he met Atomy.

Product Introduction - Lidka Soh, Sales Master
Before Lidka and her husband decided to do Atomy full time, they worked in Singapore for nearly 20 years and travelled daily. Due to the pandemic, her husband lost his job last year. Thankfully, they found Atomy just in time, and today Lidka is a proud Center Leader.

GSGS New Product Introduction - Verselle Yong, GSGS Product Manager
Introducing the ALL-NEW Atomy Chicken Curry Paste, a locally manufactured Atomy Malaysia GSGS product! Made with care and a generous amount of fresh ingredients and spices that will surely satisfy the Malaysian flavor that you know and love!

Balanced Life Scenario VOD by Chairman Dr. Park Han Gill - In this video, our beloved Chairman Dr. Park Han Gill talks about the Law of Success. Just like the True North principle, it is predetermined. Envision and turn dreams into reality!

Life Scenario Sharing by Members - Valerie Koh, member and Alice Wong,SM

Auto Sales Master - Rosmaria Sahat, SRM @ Leaders Club
A passionate motivational speaker inspiring people to have a lifelong growth mindset. Her husband who is an engineer by profession, left the corporate life to support her full time in doing to Atomy business which in turn helps people in overcoming the hard times brought by the Pandemic.

Special Performance by Talented Atomians!

Mastership Promotion Ceremony hosted by Finics, Sales Master

Sales Master Achiever and representative - Mandy Wong, Sales Master

Congratulations to all newly promoted Sales Master for achieving the first step in your journey to success, financial freedom and life balance!

Diamond Master Achiever and representative - Yeoh Zhen Wei, Diamond Master

Congratulations to all Diamond Master achievers! You have taken a big long stride in the right direction towards inevitable success!

A big heartfelt Congratulations to all New Sharon Rose Masters of Atomy Malaysia! Sean Chow, Lawrence Lee, and Malina Augustine Dony!

Congratulations to our Newest Star Master Isabelle Kew!
May your success milestones continue to give inspiration to all members to put all their effort in the Atomy business!

Congratulations to all new Leader's club members! May your leadership bring all members perseverance and hope to someday meet at the top! Never give up!

Congratulations to our newly promoted Royal Leaders Club member, Tun Nurul Huda, SRM @ Royal Leaders Club! Your achievement is an inspirational example and goal for many to follow!

Congratulations to our Newest Crown Leaders Club member, Vincent Tan & Kathleen Chua! This makes the 3rd Crown Leaders Club member in Malaysia. May your Success sit on a pedestal for all to reach one day!

Thank you to all interpreters of the day for making the Success Academy accessible by everyone. Your contribution is much appreciated by all Atomians!

Closing event by reciting the company motto, see you next time!

For more photos, please click the link below :

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