ONLINE SUCCESS ACADEMY (March 2021) Healthy Lifestyle

Views 915 Date of filming

Date & Time :2021-03-27 (Saturday) , 2:00pm - 6:00pm
Venue : Atomy Malaysia (Virtual Stage)
Total Viewers : 1,609 pax (857 from Youtube and 752 from Zoom)

Atomy Malaysia proudly presents the first ever Success Academy via 'Virtual Stage'!
The company is always trying the best to provide new and improved content for your viewing pleasure.
Your continuous support is much appreciated!

Akuan Sumpah (Oath reciting) and Company Motto by Finics Yong, Sales Master and the host of the Success Academy

Greeting Speech by Country Manager. Mr. Sewon Kim - In his speech he highlights the importance of practicing healthy lifestyle in terms of food intake, exercise and supplements.

Company Introduction - Suhaila Asmadi, SRM @ Leaders Club Member
Before joining Atomy, she didn't have any passive income or savings plan for her future.
Through doing the Atomy business, she has managed to secure a comfortable and certain future.
In her session, she shares the company introduction.

Product Introduction - Zata Yusof, Sales Master
A dedicated housewife who was interested in Atomy 'Absolute Quality Absolute Price' products first,
before knowing of the potential income that can be generated. With her passive income,
she has managed to pay off her debts and help her husband and parents.

Balanced Life Scenario VOD by Chairman Dr. Park Han Gill - One of life's biggest goal is having a balanced life. Set your goals!

Life Scenario Sharing by Members

Auto Sales Master - Icess Tan, STM @ Leaders Club member
An independent house wife and mother of 4 with an education level of secondary school.
She started the Atomy business with the disapproval of her family at first, but as her income grew, so did her family's trust. She is now a Star Master and Leaders Club member.

Healthy Tips & Exercises

Mastership Promotion Ceremony

Sales Master Achiever and representative - Kwan Weng Thong, Sales Master

Sales Master Achiever and representative - Shahrani Bin Mohd Bakri, Sales Master

Congratulations to all newly promoted Sales Master for achieving the first step in your journey to success, financial freedom and life balance!

Congratulations to our newly promoted Royal Masters.
This ranking is a prestigious ranking just 2 steps away from the highest ranking of Imperial Master!

New Royal Master - Alex & Betty

New Royal Master - Vincent & Kathleen

Congratulations to all new Leader's club members!
May your leadership bring all members perseverance and hope to someday meet at the top! Never give up!

Closing event by reciting the company motto, see you next time!

For more photos, please click the link below :


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