Atomy Malaysia Online Success Academy Promo Teaser [ENG] - 27th February 2021

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The Online Success Academy is exclusively LIVE on Youtube & Zoom for all Atomians!
The dedicated essential contents from all powerful and experienced speakers.

What so special?
- NO entrance fee collected! Learn together with participants from all around the world.
- NO MORE worry for the language barriers! Just plug on your earphone and listen up to 3 main languages (Bahasa,中文,EN) by all talented volunteered interpreters team.

中文 (CHN)
对于所有艾家人来说,马来西亚艾多美全新的在线成功学院即将线上直播到每一户艾家人! 来自于阵容强大并经验丰富的演讲者以精华精髓在短短四小时让大家掌握最新动态,消息,知识,激励和成功的秘诀。

-不收取任何入场费! 同时与来自世界各地的参与者一起学习。
-不再需要担心语言障碍和翻译器系统限制! 只需插入您的耳机点击您所需要的语言,即可聆听由所有默默耕耘的的志愿翻译团队所提供的直接3大语言(Bahasa,中文,ENG)。

Online Success Academy  dibawakan langsung secara eksklusif tidak lama lagi di Youtube dan Zoom untuk semua Atomian! Kandungan penting yang dikhaskan oleh penceramah yang sangat berpengalaman dan berpengaruh.

Apakah keistimewaannya?
- Tiada sebarang yuran kemasukan !! Belajar bersama dengan peserta dari seluruh dunia.
-Jangan bimbang berkenaan halangan bahasa! Cuma pasangkan fon telinga anda dan dengar sehingga 3 bahasa utama (Bahasa,中文,ENG) oleh semua pasukan jurubahasa sukarela yang berbakat.

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Atomy Malaysia Online Success Academy Promo Teaser [ENG] - 27th February 2021

ENGLISH (ENG) The Online Success Academy is exclusively LIVE on Youtube & Zoom for all Atomians! The dedicated essential contents from all powerful and experienced speakers. What so special? - NO entrance fee collected! Learn together with participants from all around the world. - NO


  • Helpful for beginning members
  • Includes information about Atomy
  • Gives a better understanding of Atomy business and products
  • Helps me find Atomy's vision

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