Views 2,579 Date of filming

Date & Time :2021-01-30 (Saturday) , 2:00pm - 6:00pm
Venue : Atomy Malaysia Wyndham Acmar Hotel
Total Viewers : 2,815 pax (1,843 from Youtube and 972 from Zoom)

Atomy Malaysia wishing you Happy Chinese New year 2021!
We wish you absolute prosperity and good fortune for the whole year ahead!
Opening performance by 24 Festive Drums!

Akuan Sumpah (Oath reciting) and Company Motto by Finics Yong, Sales Master and the host of the Success Academy

Greeting Speech by Country Manager. Mr. Sewon Kim -
In his speech, he highlighted the importance of public unity in Malaysia.
He also wishes Gong Xi Fa Cai to all.

Company Introduction - Tedd Chu, STM @ Royal Leaders Club
A humble chef married to a loving & supportive wife and blessed with 2 daughters.
A man who was willing to do anything to enrich the lives of his loved ones.
He was introduced to the Atomy business by an old school mate. Look at him now!

Product Introduction - Daphne Tam, SRM @ Leaders Club
Coming Soon Products : Synergy Ampoule & Red Ginseng Jelly
A strong lady full of determination and commitment.
She used to do all kinds of jobs from factory night shift worker, to clerical and sales person.
With Atomy she is now a successful example of women.

Balanced Life Scenario VOD by Chairman Dr. Park Han Gill -
Life is not just about being rich but having no time or having lots of time but being poor, balance is the key to a fulfilling life!

Life Scenario Sharing by Members
Ong Kai Wen, SM
Wong Tet Soon, Member

Auto Sales Master - Dr. Tengku Asmadi, STM @ Leaders Club
A motivational trainer and business man by profession.
He realized the importance of passive income during the 1st wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.
He is now fully committed to building his Atomy business and shares the Atomy 8 core in his session.

Diabolo Solo Performance -
An amazing Chinese yoyo performance by one of our member's daughter!
Spectacular talent and full of potential to go beyond expectation!

Mastership Promotion Ceremony hosted by Jayden & Finics, Sales Master

Sales Master Achiever and representative - Fauziah Nuri, Sales Master

Congratulations to all newly promoted Sales Master for achieving the first step in your journey to success, financial freedom and life balance!

Diamond Master Achiever and representative - Chen Wee Keat, Diamond Master

Congratulations to all Diamond Master achievers! You have taken a big long stride in the right direction towards inevitable success!

Sharon Rose Master achiever and representative - Ahmad Suhaimi, Sharon Rose Master

A big heartfelt Congratulations to all 8 New Sharon Rose Masters of Atomy Malaysia!

Congratulations to our 3 New Star Masters!
May your success milestones continue to give inspiration to all members to put all their effort in the Atomy business!

Star Master achiever and representative - Fish & Wei Leung, Star Master

Congratulations to all new Leader's club members!
May your leadership bring all members perseverance and hope to someday meet at the top!
Never give up!

Leaders Club representative -
Bong Seh Kah, SRM @ Leaders Club Member

Congratulations to Atomy Malaysia's newest Royal Leaders club member Daniel Chai & Piki Ng!
This iconic achievement is not only a remarkable milestone but also an astounding example to all members.
Remember, they too started from the bottom, but in Atomy anything is possible!

Closing event by reciting the company motto, followed by the closing performance of 24 Festive Drums!

For more photos, please click the link below :

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