2024 October New Jersey Success Academy Highlights

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2024 October New Jersey Success Academy

On October 22nd, 2024, Atomy America hosted the New Jersey Success Academy. The event was held
at the Newark Liberty International Marriott Hotel. We had over 900 attendees gather, including many
leaders from all over the country and even from other countries. The MC for this Success Academy
was Sharon Rose Master Martin Hahn. Once members arrived, they collected their seat numbers and
wrist bands at the registration desk.  Members also enjoyed taking photos at the Atomy photo-booths
and visiting the Try-Me table. We had an array of Atomy products for members to test, feel, and use.


The MC started the New Jersey Success Academy by inviting all the leaders to the stage. We had
a total of about 60 leaders! Some of these leaders traveled from Canada and Korea. We had
special guest Imperial Master Youngsung Yoon and our founder and Chairman, Han Gill Park attend the
Success Academy! The energy and excitement could not go unnoticed as the leaders made their way
on stage. Once on stage, everyone recited the Company Motto together. With many inspirational
leaders on stage, we hope our Atomy leaders motivate their partners to succeed in their Atomy business!


To start off the New Jersey Success Academy, we had our first Welcoming Speech from Crown Master Jason Shim!
Jason filled the room with excitement and passion as he encouraged the members to listen to all the speakers,
take notes, write your Life Scenarios, and work with your team. In Atomy, your dreams can become a reality!
Our second Welcoming Speech was from guest speaker all the way from Korea; Imperial Master Youngsung Yoon!
He talked about how he started in Atomy and explained how he became Imperial Master, giving encouragement
and advice to all the members. You can become an Imperial Master too if you work hard towards your dreams and goals.

For our next speaker, we had guest speaker all the way from Korea, Royal Master Joo Young Park! He spoke about
 the Atomy Marketing Plan, explaining how you can make residual income and earn rewards and gifts for
your hard work when leveling up in the business. Signing up for an Atomy membership is free,
there is no annual fee, and it only takes minutes! It’s that easy to start your success in Atomy.

Next, we had the opportunity to hear and see Life Scenarios from our fellow Atomians. We listened to their
hopes and dreams as they talked about their future. The passion and enthusiasm was radiating off the stage.
The speakers showed their Life Scenario wheels, showing how all the lines connect to make your perfect life.
These categories can include a home, a car, travel, business/career goals, and much more! We heard from
Sharon Rose Master Seonghui Joo, Sales Master Pamela Bell, and Diamond Master Yekaterina Matveyuk.
Thank you for inspiring others to create their own Life Scenarios!


After the Life Scenario presentations, we had HemoTime! Everyone waved their HemoHim cheering
towels, showing spirit and energy throughout the whole room. After, we had a 30-minute coffee break.
During the break, members had a chance to take photos at our Atomy photo booths for the Instagram
Hashtag event. We had many Instagram Hashtag winners, congrats to all the winners!
We also participated in a fun stretching exercise to get everyone up and moving!

After, we had a wonderful performance from one of our members, Jimin Lee. She had attended
the Atomy Dreamy School and was then accepted to Julliard where she currently studies music.
She played her violin perfectly, and the members enjoyed the performance.

The next event is our most anticipated part of the program, the Atomy America Mastership Promotion Ceremony!
During the ceremony, we had the opportunity to celebrate many successful members and their achievements.
Congratulations to all newly promoted members, and we thank you for your hard work and dedication to Atomy!
The promoted members were Sales Master Jamie Kwon, Diamond Master Jessica Park, Sharon Rose Master
Scott Kampen, and Star Master Christina Kim! We also had a new member promoted into the
Leader’s Club, Star Master Zinovi Kurolap. Congratulations to all promoted members!


Our last presenter of the night is a special guest speaker who traveled all the way from Korea, the
captain of our ship, founder and Chairman of Atomy; Han Gill Park! The excitement exploded
from the crowd as the Chairman walked on stage. He spoke with passion and encouragement,
saying you don’t even need a high school education to be successful in Atomy. You can start
Atomy at any skill level, education level, etc. If you work towards your dreams and goals,
attend the Atomy seminars, and work with your team, you can be successful in Atomy.
He left members inspired and motivated to work harder in their business.

Thank you everyone who attended the October 2024 New Jersey Success Academy.
We hope to see you at the next event!


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