2023 May Atomy America Success Academy

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USA/ New Jersey Success Academy

On May 13th, 2023, we had a Success Academy in New Jersey at the Teaneck Marriott Glenpointe hotel.
About 500 attendees showed up in Teaneck to join us for this event. The MC for this event was Diamond Master Scott Kampen.
He introduced the leaders and board members. After that, we recited the company motto together.

We had Director Green Lim and Royal Master Daniel Lim present the welcoming speeches. Our Marketing Director, Alex Kim presented
the global Atomy news and reports. Many members love hearing about upcoming events and product releases!

We had Sharon Rose Master Ohsook Kwon do our product presentation. Many members loved learning about our absolute products
and absolute prices! We had a product quiz on the Absolute Skincare set where members could win a FREE prize!

We had guest speaker all the way from Korea, Crown Master Eun Taik Park give the vision speech for our Success Academy.
He spoke passionately while sharing his Road to Success and explained how other Atomy members can be successful too!

We had many members present their life scenario. We had the opportunity to hear from Royal Master Florence Lindor, Nelson Mercado,
Lena Zhao, and Vikitoria Gvozdik. Their speeches inspired many Atomians to work harder in their businesses!

The next event is our most anticipated part of the program, the Mastership Promotion Ceremony! We got to celebrate
many members which were Sales Master Alisa Xing, Diamond Master Hye Kyung Yang, Sharon Rose Master Tansy Cheung, and Star Master Nam Suh. Congrats!

USA/ Los Angeles Success Academy

We had Director Green Lim and Israel Maldonado start this event with the welcoming speech. We had Diamond Master Scott Kampen as
our MC for the event. He introduced the board members and the leaders, then we recited the company motto together.
After that, we heard from Marketing Director Alex Kim as he updated members on global Atomy news and reports.

We had Sharon Rose Master Christina Kim do our product presentation. She has so much love and enthusiasm for
Atomy products, leaving many members wanting to purchase and try more Atomy products!

We had a special guest all the way from Korea, Crown Master Eun Taik Park as our Vision Speaker for the evening.
Many members werethrilled to hear his wise words on how to stay motivated in your businesses and succeed!

We had some amazing Atomians share their Life Scenarios with everyone. It was inspiring to hear these speakers talk about
their hopes and dreams with all Atomians.  We hope that this inspires all Atomians to reach for their own goals and dreams!

We then had our most anticipated event in our program, the Mastership Promotional Ceremony! We had the opportunity to
celebrate many members today including Sales Master Andrew Perez, Diamond Master Carmen Guerrero, Sharon Rose Master's Amy Tung and Bok Hui Shin. Congrats!


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