News Published in The Star : Deaf Drummers stun guests at Opening of Atomy Malaysia

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THE beating of the drums simply captivated the audience in a packed hall in Berjaya Times Square Kuala Lumpur.
Perhaps what is more touching is that the drummers – Deafbeat – is a group of youngsters with impaired hearing. But their condition did not stop them from pursuing their hobby and becoming a source of inspiration to others as well.

They came from Pusat Majudiri Y for the Deaf YMCA Kuala Lumpur, which provides programmes and services for the deaf and their families with the aim of improving their situation, especially in terms of self-reliance. The centre’s assistant secretary (deaf work) Morley Ng said Deafbeat, comprising nine members, practised twice a week and each session was two hours long.

“They are very determined youngsters,” she added.
Ng said members of Deafbeat, which would turn 10 next year, hold full-time jobs and have their practice sessions at night. Their determination and perseverance in putting up a good performance has resulted in recognition both at home and abroad. Ng said companies and organisations locally and abroad had invited them to perform at their events. Deafbeat just returned from a trip to Europe recently, she added.

Last Thursday, Deafbeat put on a stunning performance at the Atomy Malaysia opening at Berjaya Times Square and wowed the audience, including Atomy founder and chief executive officer Park Han-gil. Park handed a mock cheque of Atomy's RM100,000 donation to the centre to its deputy chairman Francis Kraal after the opening ceremony.

Atomy is an online multi-level marketing company from South Korea which has a presence in eight other countries – the US, Canada, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Cambodia, the Philippines and Malaysia. — By FOONG PEK YEE

在吉隆坡成功时代广场(Berjaya Times Square Kuala Lumpur)的宴会厅响起了激动人心的鼓敲声。也许更令人感动的是,鼓手们都是 - 聋人 - 是一群听力受损的年轻人。但这并没有阻止他们追求自己爱好的热忱,也成为激励他人的题材。

他们来自于YMCA 的 Pusat Majudiri Y,为聋人及其家人提供服务,旨在改善他们的状况,特别是在自力更生方面。该中心的助理秘书Morley Ng说,Deafbeat由九名成员组成,每周练习两次,每次课程为两小时。


上周四,Deafbeat在Berjaya时代广场的Atomy Malaysia开幕式上表现出色,并为观众带来惊喜,其中包括Atomy创始人兼首席执行官Park Han-gil。在开幕式结束后,Park向其中心的副主席Francis Kraal交付了Atomy的10万令吉捐款的模拟支票。

Atomy是一家来自韩国的在线多层次营销公司,在美国,加拿大,日本,台湾,新加坡,柬埔寨,菲律宾和马来西亚等八个国家开展业务。 - 由FOONG PEK YEE 报道。


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